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Everything posted by Jkwellborn

  1. Read up thread. Everyone that makes excuses for PK constantly say things like that. He doesn’t have anything to do with the secondary, things of that nature.
  2. That doesn’t look like a Brinks truck to me.
  3. Wasn’t there a lineman that did something like that a couple of weeks ago?
  4. Everyone will be going to look now. See? Didn’t take long.
  5. He was in to start the game I think. I’m pretty sure Red was in on the last kickoff.
  6. Pretty sure I’d have thrown a DPI on that 2pt conversion.
  7. Got fucked on that spot. Wasn’t a first
  8. I don’t think Michigan would win, but Oregon and Ohio State could name their score. I think Bama would win in a rematch.
  9. Did anyone else see Sark lose his shit in the headset earlier? Pretty sure it was in the 1st qtr.
  10. He looked like he was trying to rub his shoulder on the sideline too.
  11. Just unbelievable effort. Worthy recovered it too.
  12. I started to rewind it and make sure I heard that right.
  13. I think they only had like 50 yds passing.
  14. Okie lite is getting spanked like a cheap hooker right now.
  15. Not sure how teachers unions work, but I know labor unions are required to represent all the employees at a work place, whether they are dues paying members or not. They are owed a duty of fair representation. You also don’t need the union to file a grievance.
  16. Yeah, he dribbled the ball for a TD against Baylor.
  17. Whoever is going to keep up with the penalties needs to record down, distance and play result with each penalty. Just to see how bad they go in dry.
  18. It is now. Pretty sure they changed the rule because of that play right there.
  19. You took the picture didn’t you?
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