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Everything posted by Jkwellborn

  1. Get out of your feelings. That was a dumb fucking play. He could have had an int or at least a easy batted ball. But he never looked and decided to try and blow up the wr. I’m a little surprised he didn’t get a damn targeting flag on top of that.
  2. I’ve seen Watts in a and out of the lineup. Carlson is in street clothes. They showed him at the half.
  3. A 2A safety would have made that int.
  4. Man, all he needed to do was look back and that’s an int.
  5. Dude has a gun. He nearly completed that slant that was batted.
  6. Y’all catch Booger McFarland trash Alex grinch on the halftime broadcast? He said, I don’t know what Alex grinch is doing, but it’s not his job. Lol
  7. Was there a 4th and two completion on the fg drive where the DB was about 8 fucking yards off?
  8. Dudes a beast. Needs to eat this game.
  9. Yeah, sark needs to stop trying to be cute.
  10. It’s the giant and strong dude part that could make a short yardage package work.
  11. Leave it up to a sooner to fuck it up for the new guys.
  12. Leave it up to a sooner to fuck it up for the new guys.
  13. I’m pretty sure it will be mentioned on the broadcast.
  14. wouldn’t put it past Sark. Maybe a flea flicker. Let him throw a football over them mountains.
  15. Of course they’re going to deploy it. They don’t have the same dumb ass DC that Texas is trotting out. Sark and Quinn (if they have any more games together) have to figure out how to beat that. Brooks is doing really well against it so far.
  16. Imagine what Mike Leach would have been able to do with this team.
  17. Was he really deaf, or was that just this place doing what it does?
  18. Hard for us to tell, with all the pictures that didn’t show up.
  19. I bet shes way up on the crazy hot matrix.
  20. He started a thread about setting up a phone that is so simple a child could do it. So maybe, he’s huffed too many burning couch fumes.
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