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Everything posted by Jkwellborn

  1. They talked so much shit about having the buyout money already together years ago. Am I remembering that wrong?
  2. Plus, the qb is bad about waiting as late as possible, to either gain a few more feet or see if they can get a flag.
  3. They need to get him on the OL.
  4. They didn’t take it off the board on the broadcast. I figured they buzzed down because Sark was going crazy on the sideline.
  5. If one of the better defensive players doesn’t get targeting in the first half, it’ll happen on some bs reviewed call in the second. This is assuming Texas is winning the conference champ game
  6. We had a truck driver come in at work one day that was 6’10” and about 425. Dude looked like a fucking vending machine. Sorta like a strong man competitor. Said his dad and 3 of his brothers were bigger than he was. Just crazy.
  7. Gonna take a lot of OL improvement to get a good qb up there now.
  8. Was he? Didn’t know that. I know he hurt his ankle or something on a sack or pressure not long before the half.
  9. Always heard bruised ribs were worse.
  10. He looked completely out of sync against blou
  11. https://sports.yahoo.com/police-recover-and-return-some-items-stolen-from-colorado-locker-room-during-ucla-game-163342241.html https://www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/police-identify-suspects-recover-items-stolen-from-colorado-locker-room-during-ucla-game/ Go ahead and call everyone racist white guys since that’s exactly what you’re hinting at. But he ripped off the people with Prime prep, had jewelry stolen at his previous coaching stop (according to posters here), and had it happen the other day. He and a few other people are the only thing those have in common. I wouldn’t have been shocked if he had someone do it to put some story out besides how bad they suck.
  12. That is some hilarious, top notch trolling. I wish Texas would do that.
  13. I don’t think leaving Quinn in those two games while he was smearing shit on the walls had anything to do with his confidence this season. His confidence has came from trying to improve himself and studying the playbook. He should have pulled Quinn in this games to settle him down. I think it’s a little different this year, for the reasons you stated though.
  14. Hey, the Hefty Lefty could move. Don’t knock him. (Rip). Byron Leftwich is the comparison.
  15. My kids didn’t sleep worth a damn. Neither of them. Fuck all y’all that are getting any sleep. Lol AI, you gonna throw her out and let her get cold, so you can bring her in and warm her up to sleep? That an IA thing?
  16. The qb and guy beside him seem to think it was unwarranted by their reaction.
  17. You’re damn right we would have lost our shit on that. You don’t do dumb shot like that. Again, fuck the ignorance of analytics. That shit is cool in a vacuum.
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