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Everything posted by Jkwellborn

  1. Yes hold off. I’ve gotta get a suppressor bought in the near future and I would like to have it by the end of the year. The less y’all are distracting the lazy fucks that review these, the better.
  2. Which mount pleasant are we talking about here?
  3. Op borrowed his friends laptop and looked at some dirty shit.
  4. I’m sure they played on the fears of idiot citizens and used the media to do that.
  5. You’ll have to resubmit all that. Find a silencer shop kiosk. You can get prints and photos.
  6. Saw this earlier. I know it’s a Facebook link. https://www.facebook.com/reel/5847067092026376?mibextid=0NULKw&fs=e&s=TIeQ9V
  7. So aggravating that the damn auction shows have fucked up the prices on old cars. Every idiot out there thinks he can get the same money as a pristine restoration because he saw it on there.
  8. It’s probably in some jackasses hotel room.
  9. Those guys are big. How long has it been since Texas had OL that size all the way down the line?
  10. What’s a good website to find weather information for the last couple of years? Particularly number of days over a certain temp and stuff.
  11. Did anyone in this thread call TCU the little sister of the poor?
  12. Let’s think about this. You fucked a woman that is married to a guy that can break into everywhere you could hide. Or sleep. Giggity.
  13. Not gonna lie, I got some chill bumps watching that. He was such a fucking bad ass mother fucker.
  14. It will wind up being more about attrition at the end.
  15. Hilarious that Vic was the next poster after this comment.
  16. Will the ga defense cheap shot the best wr out of the game today?
  17. I’m sure they worked out a non-precedence setting agreement. You can thank the NFLPA for that kind of dumb shit. That shouldn’t even be a thought if the team wanted to do that.
  18. Why not? I mean, if he’s ok and there’s no more chance of it happening again than it would to someone else, why not? Getting through the mental part of it may be different.
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