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Everything posted by Jkwellborn

  1. I’d contact a NFA lawyer to be sure, but yeah, I think it’s gonna be another stamp.
  2. There’s a big time shortage of drivers too. In the past, your company had drivers they qualified as trainers and they’d take new drivers under their wing. Now they have to go to some type of accredited driving school in order to even attempt to gain a CHL.
  3. You’re gonna catch some negs for that. We’ve been told on other threads that all the balls were not caught because of the wr.
  4. We are all most likely on some list anyway.
  5. Setting up a trust takes about 30 minutes. It’s not a hassle.
  6. I don’t feel like he’s wrong. That’s been mentioned here before.
  7. What close quarters fighting has he been trained?
  8. The only thing that’s stupid is to pretend they can’t be attacked because they’re big bad athletes. I’m sorry, pushing someone isn’t assault unless you push them down some stairs.
  9. That’s what’s crazy. Pushing someone down is domestic violence?
  10. What town? I might want to avoid there.
  11. Lol breaking a 12 sec qtr mile isn’t shit. That’s point tracks require a roll cage.
  12. I get asked all the time if I want to sell either of my trucks. People love the body style of the 1997. I’ve got a few years before I start fixing it up for my son.
  13. Makes me miss my ‘57 Chevy pickup.
  14. I’ve got a 1997 z71 and a 2001 1500HD. I haul stuff in the bed, go to the woods and pull a small trailer with both of them. I can’t see me not having a 4wheel drive truck because I need one. I also can’t see me buying a new one at any point in time because of the damn cost. I’d love a diesel 3/4 ton, but I don’t necessarily tow anything to need it.
  15. I keep saying I’m going to get some clubs and start attempting to learn and play golf this year.
  16. Did someone bring up Fitlumps rise to fame?
  17. What kind of roach motel doesn’t have a safe in the room?
  18. Most likely be a multiple of 12 they count as lost too.
  19. That team was so fast, talented and bad ass.
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