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Everything posted by Jkwellborn

  1. I’m not a contractor or anything, but do you have some money I can just have??
  2. We’ve told our kids that Santa and toys only come to those that believe.
  3. Counterpoint - Jerry Jones is a fucking moron.
  4. It’s better for him to be sitting than getting the shit beat out of him too.
  5. If the poor guy dove for every pass over his head, he would have broken something by now.
  6. I have never cared if my kids wanted to play sports, but I’ve been lucky that they haven’t in the respect that I can’t stand the asshole parents.
  7. Like a GI Joe, he’s just connected with a rubber band.
  8. A lot of sec fans (most of them) will tell you that the sec is just so damn tough in every sport and nothing can compare to what you see week in and out. They’re all fucking idiots.
  9. Not gonna lie. That shit fucked me up. Hips and stuff got to hurting.
  10. Saw that earlier. I thought he had already decided to skip the bowl game.
  11. I wonder how many they have by the time the dust settles.
  12. And in Vegas, he can just order pussy online.
  13. I was thinking the same thing. Normally, I don’t care in the leader when a famous person dies. I don’t know them and have no actual connection. Robin Williams was a part of me growing up to an extent. Mike Leach made me a fan from the beginning.
  14. Got a couple of Gracos. Really like them.
  15. I’ve got one that size. I use the heck out of it. Nail guns and staplers, tire inflater, air wand, impacts and stuff.
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