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Posts posted by harpercollins

  1. We have a couple baylor fans here that are self aware and good people. You’re a piece rape apologist. Y’all shouldn’t even be allowed to have a school, let alone an athletic program. Now go find a murder or rape to cover up or go skin a cat, fuckwad

    What are you actually talking about?

    I’ve been regularly interacting in good faith the entire season with absolutely no problems. Baylor loss brought out surly bitchassedness big time.
    • Fuck You 10
  2. No, you think you're being negged because you root for a team that won some basketball games. What you should ask yourself is why there are so many Kansas fans who were never negged around here.

    Because you feel Kansas deserves to win and Baylor does not. You’re entitled fans that can’t stand losing to scrubby little Baylor. As I said, rent free.
    • Fuck You 15

  3. I've said it several times on other threads, but I have come to believe that most mental health issues boil down to "processing errors."  One misperceives the events of the world around them and in many cases react accordingly, and inappropriately.  Which is not to say that it's all thinking errors, because it's chemically assisted (either brain or ingested chemicals or both) as often as not.  But recovery seems to require adjusted thinking and processing of events and emotions.

    Exactly. We feed into this distorted thinking by over-sympathizing with “the worst day ever.” One of the best things we can do as parents is to help our kids put their suffering into perspective. We acknowledge the feelings, then guide them to correct for skewed thinking.

    “Mrs. Howard hates me!”
    “Man! You sound really upset. What happened?”
    “She hates me!”
    “Tell me more about what happened.”
    This is where your child may get reluctant to share details because s/he knows deep down the evidence does not support the claim.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. I’m sure the first thing the doctor will do is take her off social media. I’d go a step further and take away a smartphone completely. She will feel like you’re punishing her, but just let her know it’s not true. This is what a good parent would do, and you really want to be a good parent. The research on adolescent girls and social media is overwhelming.

    I’d also recommend taking a family trip with no phones and reengaging. There’s an excellent book called, Hold on to your Kids by Gabor and mate that explains why kids’ primary attachment must be their parents who love them unconditionally.

    The last thing may seem counterintuitive right now but I would require more of her. Children and adolescents need work, hard work, to feel capable, valuable and like they belong. If it’s work outdoors even better. Keith McCurdy is a LPC that talks about raising sturdy kids and he’s been guests on several podcasts you can google, talking about anxiety and depression in teens being directly related to a lack of adversity. He also addresses negative confirmation bias and how we need to equip our teens to use their emotions as a gauge and not as a guide for how to live their lives. Emotions are real, but not reliable for decision-making.

    I prayed for your family just now!

    • Hook 'Em 2
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