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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by Knoxtnhorn

  1. I started to make a new topic for the Olympics + the U-20 Concacaf tourney which started last week. The US beat the bejesus out of Jamaica. I think it was 9-0. They're playing again tonight on FS1 or FS2. I think it's at 9PM CDT. I'm not as in to these tourney as I was in the good old days when Bradenton was around. IIRC, quite a few eventual US stars went through Bradenton - Donovan, Dempsey (I think), Gooch, a few others. I think the first Olympic game is Wed night.
  2. I meant to type "architecture" in my post above. During the tour, the girl stated that architecture was extremely difficult due to the low numbers accepted.
  3. Similar story. Chose my major and was accepted to McCombs early. I wanted to be rich, carry a brief case, and drive a Beamer. My senior year in high school, I prepared by taking AP economics (yes, I know it's natural science at UT), statistics, and speech. I SUCKED at all three. Got to UT/McCombs, then never took a single class related to a business degree. Obviously, a waste of time in retrospect, but I learned from it.
  4. I've already used the line "I'll slap you red" a dozen times.
  5. I didn't realize a second episode was out because I came across Ep 1 on Saturday. Kate is a b&*%$, and I hope she gets as much, if not more, flack than Jeff ever did. "I'm out of the game, but I'm still competing.: Uh. And, lulz at Jeff's quote, "You're a vegan, I thought they were supposed to be nice."
  6. Thank you! I was wondering if I was the only one. She was like Skylar on Breaking Bad.
  7. Bone Tomahawk on Netflix. Matthew Fox, Kurt Russell, Patrick Wilson. The first half is like a Western, Shaun of the Dead. No zombies; similar humor. The 2nd half gets, um, amazingly violent to the point at which I was surprised the aforementioned signed up for it.
  8. To add, I'm pretty freaking far from an expert. I think my issue was a simple fix because I knew exactly where the infested area was, as well as the entry point. I actually observed a termite crawl right into the hole on the outside. A more widespread infestation probably would not be affected by my fix.
  9. This happened to our house a few years ago. One day I walk into the TV room and there's at least a hundred of them dead throughout the room. The nest was in a corner, behind a shelf, so I had no idea anything was going on back there. When I moved the shelf, there was actually a soft spot/hole in the sheetrock. I found, what I assumed to be, the entry point on the outside of the house. I used something called Taurus SC per a recommendation - probably someone on here. Anyway, sprayed in and around the gap in the bricks (outside). Seemed to work as I haven't seen anything in years now.
  10. It's ok. I read it the same way the first couple of times.
  11. Oh yeah! I forgot the M. Knight twist in my story. Fast forward (or rewind) to the early 2000's. I'm living in Knoxville. There's a Gatti's pretty close to where I live, which is great, because I now have a young daughter. We visit this Gatti's weekly; usually after her soccer game. One day, I take the time to read a placard located opposite the front counter. Come to find out the first Gatti's was in Stephenville, TX. Wait a minute... When my brothers and I were young, we used to spend every summer, and most holidays, with our grandparents, who lived in Brownwood. Most of the time, we'd meet halfway (Dallas to Brownwood) in Stephenville. And, most of the time, we'd meet at this tiny, two-story pizza place. I believe it was called something else (Google says "Pizza Place") when I was young. My parents met at Tarleton and ate there occasionally while in college. So, yeah, the original Gatti's. Ok. This was a way cooler story to tell to family members. /csb
  12. I'm pretty sure Gatti's lost a shitload of money during my time on the 40. I'm not proud of it now, but let's just say, I carried lots of aluminum foil in my backpack. On a slightly related note, is Gumby's still around? I think the pizzas were like $2.99 or something ridiculously low when lived in Jester. I believe they had coupons on the back page of the Daily Texan. Sorry. Reminiscing.
  13. @Bama Llama is correct. Both Boomer Sooner and Rocky Top are extremely annoying, played far too often, and redundant. But, TN wins because of that God awful "whoop!" after the words "Good 'Ole Rocky Top".
  14. +1 on the cabin. Spend the day at the game, then bust ass to the hills. You can head straight to the foothills by taking Chapman Hwy. Avoid the I-40 route unless you want to sit in traffic for 3 hours. And, for whatever reason, the cabin situation up there is 100% better than what I've seen in *Hochatown/Beaver's Bend. My family, mostly Vol alum friends, and I used to do two cabin trips a year when we lived in Knoxville. OK. Sorry. I'm just rambling now. WHEN, the Horns travel to Knoxville, if anyone has any questions, let me know. I think @Nivek and I can probably find an answer. *For reference if you've been up there.
  15. You're welcome for playing you aggy. Now you've got a Top 10 matchup. And, LOL, aggy playing Notre Dame at home and still seeing Texas with 4 more "watchable" games.
  16. Yep. As much trash as I talk because I had to live there for almost 20 years, deep down, they really are good people. Let me put it this way. There is a big, BIG difference between alums and tshirt fans when it comes to Tennessee. That may actually apply to all SEC teams as they support their state colleges mostly over professional sports. But yes, my wife is a Vol alum as are 3 of my best friends. The only real issues I ever had was with the tshirters, tailgate story (above) aside. /slightly drunk, don't judge
  17. Don't tweet at recruits.
  18. Way to waste over a year USsoccer. Fucking idiots.
  19. I always make it a point to listen to Tony Basilio's post game podcast when they lose. He's a great host, and the callers are, well, very interesting.
  20. Yep. I went from, "I think our goalie's name might be Meola" in '94 to avfull-fledged, Sam's Army, attendee of all the dos a cero games. Watching the team come up was far more fun than currently when higher expectations are present.
  21. This pissed me off so much a few months ago on 40 that I promised I was going to beat my younger brother's ass for being a truck driver. I was told that there was some sort of mechanical reason that semis are unable to gun the engine to pick up speed. (A max speed is built in or something.) Fine. Then, when you're driving a semi in the right lane and a truck is on your left trying to pass, then slow the fuck down for an 8th of a mile and let the guy pass.
  22. You know the folks at US Soccer are all, "Why couldn't you just get out of the 1st round and play competitively against Brazil or Colombia?". You know they were ready to just chill and reap in the attention, money, and rewards of the next 2 years. Now, they have to actually do their job(s).
  23. That's not going to do anything. Every US game will sell out in '26. If anything, it almost benefits US Soccer as they probably discount the block tickets given to the fan groups.
  24. Good Lord. I just saw a tweet that showed Turner had more pass attempts than any of the US midfielders and forwards.
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