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Rusty Shackelford

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Everything posted by Rusty Shackelford

  1. How many oz did you lose, if you don't mind me asking? 😉
  2. https://www.nysun.com/editorials/could-left-and-right-agree-on-this/91179/ Bretton Woods was untenable circa 1970, but the untethering of fiscal policy to sound money is the root of the exponential math issues that are on our horizon. Are you buying gold or holding?
  3. https://www.furnituretoday.com/mattress-bedding-news/mattress-sales-improving-by-the-week-analyst-says-in-bullish-bedding-report/ I’m a PRPL bull
  4. Preaching to the choir here. Don't forget about all the banking industry regulations that have been suspended or relaxed by the Fed in the past 4 months.
  5. Well there are some who really believe what you said the first way. We may trigger some responses from them later.
  6. I'd say that moral hazard is being encouraged by the Fed.
  7. I thought this was the stonks thread. Is this where we screen shot our stonk gainz like douchebags or not?
  8. I think you can take your pick of reasons why, but I see a new multi-year gold bull market starting.
  9. Gold hit $1,800, looks like ATH will be set in 2020.
  10. A watch list? Bro, are you stonkin' or not?
  11. Part of that $250 million shelf offering came down today ($70 million) WKHS stonk price rocketing on the news.
  12. Furk, now WKHS is over $15. Oh well, still holding about 25% of my shares.
  13. Took profits today at $9, looks like they will start issuing some of those shares off the shelf.
  14. They already filed the shelf offering a couple of months ago for up to $250 million. The thinking is they will issue shares as needed, when/if they get the USPS contract.
  15. Thanks, my plan is to exit $11-12 and re-enter around $6.
  16. So one of my medium term investments turned stonk this week. Anyone else on WKHS? I first bought about a year ago and went through a long agonizing grind waiting on them to deliver. Finally started making some real money and of course I sold about 1/3 way too fast, I just can’t believe how fast it rocketed. Just holding 2,600 shares now but will add after the dip (I’m expecting a big dip by the end of the week) ‘Cause I’m betting they have even bigger news coming in a month or two (USPS)
  17. BlackRock decides which etfs and bonds to buy, so no worries! https://www.pionline.com/markets/fed-chooses-blackrock-pandemic-support-programs
  18. Sen Toomey making JPow squirm a little here https://www.cnbc.com/2020/06/16/watch-fed-chairman-jerome-powell-testify-live-before-senate-banking-panel.html
  19. Remember the Fed can only lend money, and for every $ on their asset balance sheet they have a corresponding liability.
  20. The kids were easier, took the wife several years. I think I drove the point home pretty hard when she opened the door to a drunk homeless guy. At least I was home (In the back yard) at the time. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  21. This. I’ve finally trained my wife and kids to use the peephole and to not answer the door if it is someone they don’t know. Simple enough.
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