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Everything posted by SpiralOut

  1. City just flat out better across the board than United. Ronaldo trying to keep his squad in it, but it's just hopeless with the guys behind him.
  2. Just wanted to say, Big Ron don't play no shit. Dude is incredible even at 36. He's single-handedly holding that team together.
  3. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    Some REAL ugly shit in there. But also some moments of brilliance along with a pretty dominant performance.
  4. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    Man, this is getting fucking great.
  5. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    What an amazingly odd goal. LET'S GO BOYS!!!
  6. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    Too bold, McKennie. But I appreciate the hustle.
  7. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    Well that was sloppy.
  8. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    Dest and Musah are having a field day with these Costa Rican defenders on the right wing. Here soon one of those crosses is going to find Pepi and it'll be lights out.
  9. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    Weren't we just discussing during that awful game against Panama that maybe playing the guy who is on Barca's squad might be a good idea?
  10. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    What a goddamn shot! That was a fucking beaut!
  11. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    Hey man. Who the fuck do you think you are? There are DESERVING MLS lifers that need playing time. And you want to put a guy on that actually has talent and plays for one of the top teams in the world? The fuck is wrong with you?
  12. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    Seven? Seven minutes after all that?
  13. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    What the fuck is going on? Is this like when Aggy players pretend to be hurt to kill clock and give themselves a breather? We need like 20 minutes of stoppage time at this point.
  14. Man, I just gained a load of respect for Wilder. Dude seemed like he was making a lot of excuses for that horrid loss last time to Fury. But goddamn if he didn't give it everything he had tonight. What a fucking fight.
  15. Alright. Back to Bijan. Take all the time you can on the drive and get in the endzone. Ballgame.
  16. As bad as our tackling is, Overshown is a grown ass man. He's coming at people with hate in his heart.
  18. Ate up a lot of clock and came away with points. We grind these fucks out. Let's go!
  19. This is Bijan time. Seven minutes off the clock running the ball and seven points.
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