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Everything posted by SpiralOut

  1. This Japanese keeper is getting fucking shelled! He's holding up though.
  2. Turner was phenomenal. He legit almost stopped that banger of a penalty from Bale. Zimmerman (and by extension the MLS) is getting roasted all over right now. Normally he's solid as a rock so I hope he can move past that horrendous fuck-up and get his mind right for Friday.
  3. Don't let this ever stop. Just keep scoring on these fucks until the Sun burns out.
  4. Is this what it's like to feel good? To actually be enjoying a game at the Cotton Bowl, watching us blow out the Dirt Burglars? I don't think I've felt like this since Vince and us killing Bomar.
  6. Not at all. Might be a problem if your wife who is in reality your beard and knows you like to swing both ways divorces you and all that shit comes out as things like that tend to do in divorces. While obviously lots of people wouldn't care if Will came out of the closet, you have to remember this guy has made a career on family-friendly films. Oh, and he has a wife, kids, etc. and has been putting up that facade his entire life. Of course, he's already box-office cancer so maybe it actually would help his career. Why would an ultra-wealthy, good lookin', famous as fuck dude put up with that shit otherwise? Why would he flip out and go ballistic over a weak as fuck joke in front of the entire world? Or are we saying Jada's got the best goddamn pussy on the planet?
  7. Know some people who know some people. Those people happen to be Scientologists. And Will, like Travolta, has been mixed up in their bullshit for a minute. Ain't no hard evidence here, but it adds up. Will needs a beard. Jada (was) a good 'un. Until she wanted to get some real dick that was into her. She splits. Will panics because if you want to be an A-lister who appeals to the majority of Americans you gotta keep up appearances a la Tom Cruise. So he gets her back but she's putting him through the ringer. He can't bail because then it all comes out. So Jada wears the pants in that fucked up family. And of course, he's being ridiculed for being a cuckold, etc. Can't sit well with a guy who is used to having everything go his way. If you play the tape back, Will is laughing at Rock's joke. People think he went nuts because he saw Jada looking pissed, but they only think that because the camera cut to her reaction right before he got up. In reality, you can hear Rock say "Aw, that was a nice one." Implying he could have been making jokes about Will being a cuck. THAT'S when Will gets up, acts a fool, and then is trying to hold back tears while yelling once he gets back to his seat. He panicked. Wife who owns the keys to his life is pissed and Rock is hinting about some serious shit Will has already taken plenty of heat for. Time to flip the fuck out. Dude is having a mental breakdown because Jada has the goods on him and he's trapped. Or maybe he just really misses his wife's hair. Who the fuck knows. I haven't watched every episode of Fresh Prince, but I too sat through I Am Legend on a date. Decent enough flick. Ending definitely could have been better. Should have stuck more to the novel where he's actually seen as the bad guy by all the vamps.
  8. Haven't read through the entire thread so it's probably been mentioned, but this has absolutely nothing to do with Jada's hair loss. Jada fucked around on Will with one of her sons friends way back when and left Will. They got back together but have an "open" relationship. To add more fuel to the fire, Jada now has a talk show or some shit where she tells the world about her and Will's open relationship and how she cucked him before that with HER SON'S FRIEND. A guy who was a junkie, suicidal, etc., to make it even worse. That's gotta fucking sting for a guy like Will Smith. Oh, and it's a rather open secret in Hollywood that Will Smith bats for the other team like Travolta. Hair had nothing to do with it.
  9. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2022

    Oh shit! We squabblin!
  10. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2022

    The ROUT. IS. ON!!!
  11. Not surprised things aren't going swimmingly for the Russian military. The only reason the Russian Army looks even somewhat competent is because the Russian Navy exists. If you want a laugh, go watch some videos on YouTube about the Pacific 2nd Squadron in the Russo-Japanese War.
  12. Fun fact, the only state title my hometown has won in high school football was back in the year I was born, 1984. In the semifinals they beat Westlake (who was the huge favorite, obviously) on penetrations. /coolstarrybra
  13. Starting to think these NFL offenses might be getting a bit out of control. I enjoy seeing TDs just like the next guy, but damn.
  14. This game is fucking wild.
  15. Julian Edelman might be regretting that $100k bet right about now.
  16. To this day it still chaps my ass that people don't understand how much luck and outside forces control an athlete's destiny, especially in football. Everyone now is of the opinion that Vince wasn't great in the NFL (I'd argue his ever improving stats suggest he just hadn't hit his stride yet). Someone in this very thread stated that Vince just couldn't hack it in the NFL because he didn't want to commit to the grind. Yeah, ok. Sure, buddy. Being drafted by the Titans to play for a HC that not only didn't want him as a QB, who was actively trying to sabotage his career, probably hurt his chances of becoming a great NFL QB. Maybe having an idiot HC who favored a washed-up drunk and Norm Chow as an OC might have hurt his chances a bit. Just maybe. Now compare Vince's situation to, say, Aaron Rodgers. Instead of going to a bottom-feeder team with no talent and an idiotic, malicious HC, he fell down to the bottom of the 1st round of the Draft and got picked by the Packers. Instead of being immediately thrown to the wolves with no help, Aaron got to sit on the sidelines and learn the game. He got to watch future HoFer Brett Favre play every week. Instead of being sabotaged at every turn, ol' Aaron had the full support of a top-flight organization who did everything to nurture this guy's talent and help him maximize his talent. Or do you all think Aaron Rodgers would be a sure-fire HoF lock and a Super Bowl winner under Fisher with the Titans? We all get that life isn't fair. So I'll never understand why we only acknowledge that when things don't work out for us or others. When people get lucky with their circumstances we act like they got there all on their own through just their hard work and talent. Bull-fucking-shit. Tom Brady would be a middling, retired QB who might not have even seen the field if he didn't A) get drafted by Belichick and B) if Drew Bledsoe didn't get obliterated against the Jets. All credit to Brady for making the most of his chance, but he got incredibly lucky. All of that to say, Jamaal absolutely deserves to be in the Hall. Forces outside his control severely limited his playing time early in his career, made him basically a one-man show in KC, and then eventually wrecked his knees and ended his career. Despite everything, dude still did stuff no one else has managed to achieve. Maybe one day Tyreek Hill or some other super special talent will surpass his YPC, but Jamaal did it first. And he didn't have a Mahomes or a Kelce or an Andy Reid to help him. People always love to talk about speed, but I think the word that goes best with Jamaal is agility. Like, he personifies the word. I have a picture of him somewhere on an old hard drive in a game for the Horns where he is making a cut and he is legitimately almost perpendicular with the ground. Dude had radical balance. He could bounce out of almost anything. You think he'll be going down any second now and he just keeps cutting and moving and dodging and embarrassing the fuck out of defenders. He was a once-in-a-generation talent. Oh, and he also happens to be a nice dude, too. Sorry about the rant, but fuck anyone not bowing down to the greatness of Jamaal fucking Charles. He was one of the greatest players we've ever had on the 40 acres and he took that to the NFL and dominated. If he had stronger knee ligaments he'd be going down in history as arguably the greatest RB of all-time.
  17. Kambosas just shocked the world by beating Lopez for the Lightweight title. Great fight.
  18. Holy fuck this fight is amazing. I have it even so far.
  20. Oh, Canada! Take this trash out. Just a shame there isn't another team in CONCACAF to push La Cucarachas out of the WC.
  21. So I guess Canelo read my post. Dude is trying to put a fight together with Ilunga Junior Makabu at Cruiserweight. Though this article seems to suggest it might be fought at 190 instead of 200. Still, that'll be almost 50 pounds Canelo has walked up over his career. Absolutely nuts. https://www.espn.com/boxing/story/_/id/32648380/canelo-alvarez-gets-wbc-approval-fight-illunga-junior-makabu-cruiserweight-title Canelo Alvarez could chase a title in a fifth weight class. At the WBC Convention on Wednesday in Mexico City, the organization approved the request of Canelo's trainer and manager, Eddy Reynoso, to have Alvarez challenge Ilunga Junior Makabu for the cruiserweight championship. Alvarez, ESPN's No. 1 pound-for-pound boxer, became undisputed champion at 168 pounds earlier this month with an 11th-round TKO of Caleb Plant. A win over Makabu would make Canelo (57-1-2, 39 KOs) a five-division champion. Alvarez has never competed at cruiserweight, so Reynoso needed to petition the WBC to order the title fight. Now that the fight has been approved, negotiations can begin, and if no deal is struck, a purse bid will be ordered. "I know ... what he has done with the heavyweights he spars with, and that is why we asked for the fight," Reynoso told ESPN Deportes' Salvador Rodriguez. "We know that [Makabu] is strong, but Canelo can beat him. ... Many may say that it is crazy, but they also said that it was crazy when Canelo was junior middleweight champion and we were looking for middleweights, super middleweight, light heavyweights. "I have a lot of confidence in Canelo. He is very strong and has many qualities, and I know that he is going to win that fight." Alvarez, 31, fought once at 175 pounds, a November 2019 TKO victory over Sergey Kovalev to win a light heavyweight title. He unified titles at 154 pounds and 160 pounds before that. The cruiserweight limit is 200 pounds, but the WBC recently introduced an 18th weight class -- bridgerweight -- with a limit of 224 pounds. In a corresponding move, the Mexico-based organization is reducing the cruiserweight limit to 190 pounds, the same weight when the division was introduced in 1979 before it was increased by 10 pounds in 2004. Reynoso told Rodriguez there have been some offers to fight in Congo, Makabu's birthplace. "Let's see if something can be arranged for that to happen," he said. "It is one more challenge. Just as we took the challenges at 168 and 175 pounds, now we are going to cruiserweight." Makabu, ESPN's No. 4 cruiserweight, has reeled off nine consecutive wins since he lost the title to Tony Bellew via third-round TKO in 2016. He is promoted by Don King, who last month announced a deal for Makabu to fight Thabiso Mchunu. However, WBC president Mauricio Sulaiman claimed Mchunu wasn't ready to fight on Jan. 8 as planned. Makabu said he was excited about the prospect of fighting Alvarez. "I'm feeling very happy because I fight the best boxer in the planet," Makabu, a 34-year-old resides in Johannesburg, told Rodriguez. "Canelo has been beating everyone ... but now he's fighting one tough man. "I'll fight anywhere. Even if they put on the fight in his own house with no public. I'll fight."
  22. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    Lucky to escape with a point there. We are phenomenally bad when Gerg starts playing his special lineups.
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