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Everything posted by SpiralOut

  1. Whataburger attained at halftime. Ready to watch us bury these fucks!
  2. https://www.viprow.me/oklahoma-vs-texas-online-stream-1
  3. Where are all you crying motherfuckers now? Believe in Bijan!
  4. I ain't see a RB this good for us since Jamaal Charles. Love this fucking kid!!
  5. No. Enough with this defeatist shit. They can't stop us. They can't stop Bijan. They can't stop Casey. We're dropping over 50 on these fucksticks. Believe, motherfuckers.
  7. Goddamn, we're actually playing some killer fucking defense. YEARS I've been waiting for this! FUCKING YEARS! Murder these fucks! No mercy!
  8. Time to jam Bijan down their throats.
  9. This Rattler kid seems like he sucks. BWHAHAHAHA!!! Eat shit Dirt Burglars! We're winning this fucking game!
  10. Our guys woke up and chose violence today.
  11. This is amazing. I'm rock fucking hard right now.
  12. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    This Weah dude is kinda fast, ain't he.
  13. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    Zimmerman has been great tonight.
  14. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    Dat boy from Texas!
  15. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    Love Turner playing the ball forward quickly to get that whole sequence started. We're great on attack. So fucking attack! Push that pace and bury them!
  16. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    Pepi! Love that kid!
  17. SpiralOut

    USMNT 2021

    We sure this ref ain't secretly from Jamaica? The Jamaicans might as well continue what they've been doing in the first half for the final 45. Anytime they get beat and one of our guys is 1 on 1 with the keeper, pull them back/down or just kick them from behind to stop the attack.
  18. And that's why you don't sub Ronaldo off. Even when he has a bad game he still has the magic to get it done late. Also, goddamn but Cavani still has it. Dude is out there pressing like a guy ten years younger. Loses the ball on that last sequence and then just straight muscles the defender off it.
  19. Goddamn I love that guy. GOAT by a country mile. Him killing Aggie in our (formerly) last game ever with them was too sweet for words.
  20. Tottenham's pets' heads are falling off.
  21. That counterattack was a thing of beauty.
  22. I think Brugge looked wildly better than PSG today. Maybe having Mbappe, Neymar, and Messi up front isn't so awesome if your midfield stinks and your defending is rather trash.
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