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Everything posted by ShowmeyourTDs

  1. Just introduce her to Carrington. Shut it down.
  2. No, she’s in charge of bringing the tacos. Price will have to bring Arby’s.
  3. It only takes a half a beer? My daughter thought R was for run. I just sighed and reminded her to put it in D for dipshit. She will make some poor Schmo a great wife in th future.
  4. Not if Richardson stays with aggy and Cine comes to Texas ... BOMC in full effect.
  5. What do you mean in state premier schools ... aggy IS the premier, oh never mind.
  6. It looks a little like East Berlin during the Cold War era.
  7. I choose to believe that our defense kicks so much ass, that it would make the Patriots offense look silly. One might go so far as to give our badass defense a name of it’s own.
  8. I can’t disagree, but I was still pissed about earlier events that weekend.
  9. Well to be fair, Corky was the “older brother”.
  10. Oh my God, they hired Von Miller? I smell NCAA violations coming soon to the station.
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