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Posts posted by tbone_

  1. I don’t want him to die because he can’t be beaten any other way. I want him to be beaten the old fashioned way. Losing by another 6 million votes in November is a good place to start. Then he can die a lonely old broke loser as God intended.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  2. Sometimes that works out.

    I have a deal with my daughter. Make all the noise you want whenever you want trying to make music. Doesn’t bother me in the least. I suspect you did as well. You never know what might take.

    Mine has taught herself how to play piano. The other day she sent me a video of her playing Songs she sang in the shower. I nearly fell over.
    • Hook 'Em 3
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  3. Not trying to be a Debbie downer, but that unfortunate fellow has a dramatic life story of tragedy and success.
    He was terribly burned when the helicopter he was piloting was shot down in Vietnam 55 years ago. Barely surviving, he spent two years recovering in the burn unit at Brooke Army hospital - much of that time face down in a sling apparatus. 
    The plastic surgeons grew him a new nose by cutting a flap of arm flesh and attaching it to the stump of his burned off original one. His arm was strapped up by his head for months while the arm flesh grew onto his face. 
    The surgeons did not try to replace his burned off ears and he wears a full toupee to cover his scarred bald head. 
    By some fortuitous miracle, when he crashed and the chopped exploded in flames, he covered his his eyes with his arm, saving his eyesight. But that arm was severely burnt.
    When he was discharged from the hospital, he stayed in Army as a career officer and after several command assignments in Europe & Asia, retired as a Lieutenant Colonel. Early after getting back to active duty, he married a beautiful young nurse, with whom he adopted a baby girl to raise as an army brat. (). 
    Unfortunately tragedy struck his family about 10 years ago when his wife unexpectedly passed away from a neural event. 
    But he has continued to keep trucking’ on, doting on his daughter, a nurse, who recently married. 
    He is quite an inspirational gentleman and all around good guy.
    Incidentally, He & Mrs. Brat went steady their senior year in high school and dated all through college even though they went to different schools. They broke up in their senior year a few months before I met her at a mutual friend’s wedding (that’s when she & I started our relationship and married in June of 1967). 
    We are all friends and are grateful to be able get together at their Taylor Duck class reunions.

    Thanks for sharing that
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  4. As if anyone needs anymore Ginger Baker evidence, give the live version of City of Gold a listen. We play this with my sometimes band. We end up sounding more like an Aerosmith version basically because we are all just overgrown rockers and our drummer, while without a doubt the best drummer I’ve ever played with, plays it with this big arena style pocket. Which works. But pay attention to GB in this version. That fucking grooooooooove man. Got damn.

    Has to be some much fun to play with someone who can lay that shit down.

    • Hook 'Em 2

  5. And, I don’t hate it in every song and some guys are subtle masters of it, but I generally don’t like the harmonica - at least not as a “lead” in most songs.

    I came back to flog your post with Mickey Raphael references. But then I re read it and I think I agree with you.
  6. How's it working? He loses almost every single time. He has $500M in judgments against him, almost 100 felonies pending, and he has lost every single election since 2016. The guy is a loser. He has always been a loser. He doesn't know how to win. 

    Isn’t he leading in the polls to become president again?
    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 3
  7. wut? have you heard anything he has ever said? if he wasn't our stupidest president ever, he's gotta be top 5. supremely stupid. 

    Fair point. He says monumentally stupid shit constantly.

    My point is he’s smart enough to nearly take over the country. That’s not completely stupid. Don’t underestimate the orange cunt by dismissing him as stupid.
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