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Steelers Roll Left

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Everything posted by Steelers Roll Left

  1. Yeah, all certainly possible. Neither my router or my HD TV are relatively new. Any specific suggestions for “playing with those TV settings”, etc. That said, I do recall a national outcry last year when Amazon debuted Thursday Night Football of similar complaints
  2. Spectrum subscriber tuning in via Sling TV here. Observations: I typically don’t view television content through streaming services, but my initial impression of picture quality of watching live streaming for college game day this morning is same I had last year when I flipped on Amazon Prime for Thursday Night Football: really lousy, dark picture quality compared to a cable TV broadcast. Why is that? Seems we have the technology to solve that problem. Perhaps it’s one of the sacrifices to keep costs down? Second, small crowd for a game the magnitude of Texas v Bama
  3. Disney and Spectrum decided for me which pre-game show I’ll be tuning into #BigNoonKickoff
  4. True or false. An ESPN+ subscription is not a temporary solution to the Spectrum/Disney dispute blacking out ESPN & LHN to subscribers. Texas vs Bama Sat 6pm on ESPN
  5. They’re definitely letting him throw. Interesting…
  6. Well how about this for a halftime adjustment: Let’s see what the back up QB can do….
  7. Helluva day to have given up the absinthe…..
  8. To be fair, this is a true statement. Strangely, however, that’s looking more and more like an aberration
  9. Agreed. No confidence. Have never really seen it from him.
  10. No. Already tried that a decade ago. Didn’t work. It’s all about NIL and the country club atmosphere these days
  11. Just for shits and giggles……… “Put Manning in!” 😁
  12. Nothing wrong with that pass. That one’s on Brooks
  13. I really don’t want to be negative, but…….yeah. Hopefully this is just your typical opening week slow start. The problem is I’m seeing some of the same problems in Quinn that were very apparent last year. For now I’ll keep telling myself it’s early….
  14. Accuracy…..timing…..confidence? It’s early, but I’ll say so far it’s still not there
  15. Ewers looks a little slow on the release
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