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Steelers Roll Left

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Everything posted by Steelers Roll Left

  1. Offense finally showing a little something this series, but penalties could derail it
  2. DEF & ST came to play, offense needs to get into the game. Only thing that’s worked for O so far is deception-type play-calling. Not winning the line of scrimmage and receivers not winning the blocks on the sideways calls
  3. One of the craziest starts to this game in recent memory. Punches thrown, absorbed, and returned. Buckle up
  4. They’re going to let the call on the field stand. Inconclusive. Damn
  5. “Remain calm” doesn’t appear to be working. This is when the leaders on the team need to flip that script on the sidelines and in the huddle. OU came for a war
  6. OU wants it more early. Rise up Horns….
  7. This good season start about to become an amazing, perhaps generational start. #Hookem
  8. Queue the Texas OU MS Paint/Gif Thread Of Dominance.…..
  9. That drive was take what they’re giving ya’ and wear them down
  10. Not saying they’re going to lose, but they’re certainly following the recipe
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