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Certifiably Surly
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Posts posted by Upgrayedd

  1. 12 hours ago, Felix said:

    My wife stepped on one when and got hit on the ankle.  She's got a pretty high pain tolerance and it was clear she was in agony.  For future reference, the hospital filled a bucket with hot ass water, like 120 F and put her foot in it and it was instantaneous relief.  The heat breaks the toxin down.  If you get stung get whatever is stung in some hot water and you're good.

    Hot water is the key.  Got as you can stand.

    14 hours ago, Born to Run said:

    Ex cop neighbor said he'd been stung by a stingray and shot with a 45. If he had to choose one to happen again he'd go with the 45.

    My brother went through hell when he was stung.

    I call bullshit.  Been stung.  Never been shot with a 45.  Logic tells me 45 is a tad bit worse.

    11 hours ago, Kennythetiger said:

    You’re supposed to piss on her foot. Duh. 

    Hot piss helps

    5 hours ago, Born to Run said:

    Yeah when my brother got hit we immediately filled a bucket from water pump indicator stream ie the pisser on the outboard motot and that brought huge relief on the ride back in. He would wake up and have to soak it that night every few hours. The bigger problem was he waited to go to the Dr, as hes a dude, then went to a shitty clinic that didnt know the first thing about stingray attacks and got an infection that was hard to resolve and a bit scary especially as he was just in his twenties. High fever, return of pain, necrotic tissue. Sucked.

    Apply hot water right awat and Go to a good doctor or hospital just to be sure.


    4 hours ago, Born to Run said:

    I got smacked by two Jellyfish on my legs when I took a girlfriend fishing whilst catching bait. Pretty nasty welps, and I got the shakes and turned pale, so she asked is she should pee on me to help. That shit doesn't work but I entertained the idea for the lulz.

    I did have old school meat tenderizer on board, that we've carried for years, and that was a life safer.

    I did end up fucking her bent over the leaning post the next day. Her rod went off mid-coitus we finished up in a bit and reeled in a nice slot redfish.

    While we are on amateur First Aid, vinegar on fire ants is very helpful. The sooner the better as it neutralizes the venom. I get huge welps otherwise.

    You too?

  2. 1 hour ago, Wulaw Horn said:

    I thought it was pretty terrible. I walked the whole thing on Tuesday other than holes 2-4 and didn’t really see a spot I loved while also not liking the flow if you were going to try to follow a group around. Immediately texted my buddy that it was going to be way better to watch on tv. 

    You can say this about any golf tournament 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  3. 22 minutes ago, TonyTexas said:

    One thing that pisses me off about the LACC is that it sits on 313 prime acres in Beverly Hills that I’ve seen value estimates as high as $6-9 billion. They pay $300K/yr.  in property taxes. Are they classified as a church? No wonder California is broke. 

    Prop 13 yo

    Oh, and not broke

  4. 2 hours ago, TonyTexas said:

    The only problem is there is going to be virtually no wind for the players to deal with. I think the winning score will be double digits under par. 

    There will be some wind in the afternoon.  Not British Open wind, but a predictable breeze from off the coast 

  5. 42 minutes ago, The Original Greaser Bob said:

    The only way not to be consumed by Trump news over the next year is for the Dems to  pivot to a younger candidate.  And that means younger than Elizabeth Warren for fucks sake.  Newsom, Whitmer, I don't really care.  

    Biden was a fine door stop but time to move on, and that means someone outside of his administration.  And someone other than an Abrams who has lost more than they've won.

    The Republican fucksticks need to be crushed and we need someone young at the top of the ticket.

    People need to be agrressive about moving Joe along.


    Hillary.  For the lulz.

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