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Certifiably Surly
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5357 Surly 10%

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  1. I guess I need to look at options on status matches. Alaska (MVP Gold 76k) or Delta (Gold)? A List Preferred with a Companion Pass.
  2. Rookie CF (who, like most of the team, is a converted shortstop) 2nd no hitter in Padres history.
  3. As an A List preferred who normally gets assigned A 16-19, I hate this.
  4. There appears to be a distinction between the sitting and fucking couch.
  5. I was just kidding about the road trip to Rutgers.
  6. That's the dog that saved Charleston from the 1938 flood. Well fuck him.
  7. They are not burdened by logic.
  8. I sometimes wonder what happened to Mudasir. He find another best friend?
  9. If I can’t remember my password should I ask the Inchworm guys?
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