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Certifiably Surly
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5231 Surly 10%

About Upgrayedd

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  1. It’s 450 sf? Do it. I’ll ride over and we can get burgers at Rocky’s.
  2. School bus struck by what exactly? The sovcit driving? Hail of gunfire?
  3. I’d love to see the top players play some competitive rounds on current course setups with 1980’s equipment
  4. Good advice. Thanks.
  5. You’re fucking like a goddamnn chinamen
  6. I’ll check in with you September 1st.
  7. You could store it in Sylmar
  8. Treasuries are considered the risk free (default) rate. Commercial property assets are expected to generate a yield (or Cap Rate) at a spread above the risk free rate (the riskier the asset, the higher the spread). If the income generated by the asset doesn’t change, the only way for the asset to generate a higher Cap Rate is for the asset’s value to be decreased. Similar for residential mortgages without the Cap Rate- more just a spread above treasuries. Or so I’ve been told
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