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  1. In the same boat here, Vic.

    I watched it during its original run on HBO, but have never done a re-watch on any episodes until I started up again last week. I don't know if its because my memory has grown fuzzy on a lot of the show's subtle details, or if I've just become jaded over the subpar offerings during the pandemic, but damn this show is fucking amazing. 

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  2. If you’re in Houston I got your guy. Replaced mine for $225 yesterday and he confirmed that they’re basically gone in Texas and not to expect them soon because of demand.  With new home building picking back up in the north soon, and all the damages in Texas, you won’t see them for months. This guy bought 50 early last week knowing they were going to fly off the shelves.
    FYI the company that makes these, supplies like 90% of the ones in the US. Ticker symbol is WTS, you’re welcome. 

    I think your guy is trying to make you feel better about the NLAA fucking he gave you.

    I picked one up for less than $30 yesterday at Sprinkler Warehouse on Jackrabbit Rd.
    • Hook 'Em 1
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  3. Update:  About to see if my life will go well (pun intended) or suck over the next hour or two... about to try and re-pressureize house water from the well.

    Why do I feel like Evel Knievel before his Snake Canyon jump (or that "earth is flat" guy)?

    Spigots I think are more or less clear, but hard to say... water came out of a few, but drips (the south bib trickeled, then ran good for about 30 seconds, then stopped... but again, I have no house pressure, so not sure if it did it due to an ice clog or just losing all the pressure).

    I will report back hopefully with good news.
    Weather Update:
    STFU!!!! No one wants to hear jack shit about the weather.  Yep, neither do I.  So here's the forecast:
    Melting continues until about 7 tonight.  Stops, light freeze, then tomorrow starts AND DOESN'T FUCKING STOP, NIGHT OR DAY, UNTIL WE'RE DRY AS  A PANHANDLE COUNTY 'S LIQUOR LAWS.

    Good enough.  Good luck, we're all counting on me (and you!).

    Hope it goes well for you. I’m in the same boat, and honestly a bit nervous about whether my repair on a 1/2” cpvc line is going to hold under pressure. I’m waiting until tomorrow though when danger of another freeze has passed.
    • Hook 'Em 1
  4. Same situation. Cut breakers to all pool equipment and hour after power went out. I haven’t seen this type of weather since I lived in Michigan 40 years ago.

    Same here. After cutting the breakers I also opened up the lids to the pumps and cracked the relief valve on the filter. Not sure what else to do.
  5. Quote

    KPRC noted that "Tuttle weighed only 112 pounds," and "he had his right hand bandaged and his leg in a brace." Yet Houston Police Chief Art Acevedo insists "there is no evidence of friendly fire in this case."

    This pisses me off to no end. This poor guy was a disabled veteran, banged up, emaciated, and trying to care for his wife who was still undergoing cancer treatments. According to neighbors, he still somehow managed to take his dog out for a daily walk. 

    But instead of simply detaining him while he's out walking the dog and then executing the search warrant, Art's heroes kicked down the door and went in guns blazing. 

    I'm with Lat - I really want to see the forensics on Tuttle's gun. 4 for 4, with 2 hits in the face/neck??? After being startled from sleep and while not only taking fire, but being shot himself multiple times? And on top of that his right hand (shooting hand?) is bandaged???

    Give me a fucking break. 

  6. Yes, a guy awakened from a nap by a gang kicking down his door and shooting his wife and dog, should definitely be able to take one look at their clothes and ascertain that they are cops.


    As a noted philosopher from Mexia once put it... “Screw you, Rusty!!!”

    • Hook 'Em 3
  7. Cop that caught the latest murder charge is represented by Rusty Hardin, who says all the new charges are “politically motivated”, and basically an attempt by Ogg to take advantage of current anti-cop sentiment.

    The new police union rep (don’t know what happened to that Grimaldi weasel), says that they will stand by their officers.

    I know you’re all shocked by this news. Cajun was right...Art will gladly throw Gerald Goines under the bus, and claim he was just a rogue cop.

    I doubt we’re ever going to find out, but I’d like to know what Tuttle did to draw the ire of Goines.

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