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  1. 43 minutes ago, Sbbruin said:

    Wife and kids are already pushing for another dog.  I’m not ready.  And I am certain I will never have a dog like Crosby so why bother.  I don’t know.

    I remember feeling exactly like this after we lost Brutus. And now it's hard to imagine life without Bluto. 

    I think Deej has it right...you're never going to replace Crosby. But you are going to find another dog that's also going to give you way more than love than you'll ever be able to return. 

    What else in life offers that kind of guaranteed return on your investment? Do it. 

    • Hook 'Em 2
  2. So I'm about to start re-watching the final season, and I've been dragged into the wormhole of The Many Saints ("Moltisantis") of Newark. Can't wait...






    Uncle Junior


    Dickie Moltisanti


    Johnny and Livia



  3. I believe the suits thus far have all been captioned in the name of "Jane Doe", so it's fuzzy how many plaintiffs Buzbee is actually representing. 

    And someone (el fenix?) upthread mentioned the possibility of a defamation claim against Buzbee for the instagram remarks that he made prior to filing the first suit. That's an interesting possibility, and one that Rusty Hardin could turn into a chef's kiss moment. 

  4. I'm confused...are there six different women making accusations against Watson? Or is Buzbee filing multiple suits on behalf of the same plaintiff(s)? 

    If the latter, what's the explanation? Why wouldn't Buzbee allege all of the relevant facts and causes of action in one petition? Or at least in an amended petition, rather than filing separate suits on behalf of the same client? 

    I mean slocum's razor tells me the answer is simply: aggy. But seriously, what gives? 

    • Hook 'Em 1
    • Haha 1
  5. 48 minutes ago, Bama Chick said:

    I’m a notorious wimp but I’ve never had soreness like I did after my Covid shots.

    My arm felt like someone hit it with a baseball bat. And it lasted 4-5 days each time.

    Have you had the shingles vax? Just curious how it compares, because that one felt like a fucking mule kicked me. 

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