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  1. I absolutely agree but not in this case. This dude is just an old-fashioned recidivist who's been arrested dozens of times but never quite earned a long stretch in the pen. By the standards of the authorities, maybe not you or me.
    A more detailed account:
    First conviction came at 17 for burglary of a home, then another before he was 20 for petty theft. He was stealing cars for much of his early 20s, usually while strapped, adding gun charges to his convictions. 
    There is a big gap in his "resume" from 1993-1998, suggesting he was either doing time or living elsewhere or some combo. And well, it gets kind of boring. More of the same -- cocaine bust here, codeine bust there, never with any weight; theft, burglary, forgery, the usual junky shit. At 51 years old, this is the first time he's been arrested for a violent crime. Yeah, he once brandished a screwdriver at a dude but that amounted only to deadly conduct, a class A misd; and he did threaten to beat some chick's ass, but that was just a terroristic threat.


    So when’s his first day at ESPN?
    • Hook 'Em 3
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  2. By that point “everyone” had pretty much been narrowed down to a bunch of spares, and I don’t think Patsy would’ve had much trouble getting them to fall in line.

    With Carlo Gervasi flipping, and Jason Parisi being implicated in the same shit that Carlo’s son Jason was arrested for, Patsy was in a kill or be killed scenario. Not to mention the revenge factor for his twin brother being whacked by Tony.

  3. Probably anchored by the long exposition I read but now pretty obvious Paulie put out the hit on Tony. That's been one of the joys of the re-watch is noticing Paulie's complexities.

    That theory could be right. But I think Patsy Parisi makes more sense.
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  4. It’s like y’all don’t even remember that helobodouche doesn’t pay up on bets that he loses. See - the bet(s) he made previously where he proclaimed that he would never post again if he lost.

    He’s a regard who should be met with scorn and derision every time he finds a reliable WiFi signal in the valley.

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  5. Whole family admitting to tax evasion and tax fraud. They are using the "everybody does it"  defense.  Apparently, paying for you grandchildren's schooling means you don't have to pay taxes.  Watching Jr. it appears he is higher than a kite.  I'm talking a Tony Montana amount of blow just before coming out.




    He was just joking people. That’s merely locker room accounting talk. No reasonable person would take that as the truth. - Sidney Powell and (insert name of sycophant here)
  6. A friend went nuts on me in high school for claiming I pocketed one of the old Shell station Houston Oilers high ball glasses during a house party. I did not. 
    Going for $10 on ebay now. I think he'll survive. https://www.ebay.com/itm/333536687816?chn=ps&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=333536687816&targetid=1269994814812&device=c&mktype=pla&googleloc=9027637&poi=&campaignid=11613470118&mkgroupid=121068526014&rlsatarget=pla-1269994814812&abcId=9300455&merchantid=7881784&gclid=CjwKCAjwlYCHBhAQEiwA4K21myeXwvmEZe4jMt27kfojD1EFanZL9oMSMoowFhADK2dICLWfoqF0TxoC6g0QAvD_BwE
    Adam's daughter appears to not not be a bitch like our old man. The McNairs could make a reasonable offer and buy back the Oilers name and their history. But this will never happen because Cal is regarded. 

    She’s already said that she would never relinquish the name or colors as long as she’s living.

    So fuck her.
  7. Quote

    “You’re not being directly impacted by what’s happening on the border, so why take this kind of a stance?” asked Arnold.

    “Very fair question. First of all, we have seen bi-partisan cries for help from the border counties,” said Henry.

    Henry said he’ll use funds from the federal American Rescue Plan to pay for Galveston law enforcement helping out on the border. The Rescue Plan involved the federal government sending $350 billion to state and local municipalities to help offset the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Henry said Galveston County received $66 million from the federal government. Henry said he is also pledging up to $6 million of this money to help pay for a border wall if Gov. Greg Abbott can come up with a definitive plan.

    “That money couldn’t be spent here in Galveston County?” asked Arnold.

    “I would argue this is being spent here, it’s just not being spent here in this county. It’s being spent for the betterment of this county,” said Henry.

    “The federal government sent this money for public health issues, so how are you using this for the border then?” asked Arnold.

    “Because we consider it to be a public health crisis,” said Henry.


    Truly, you have a dizzying intellect Mr. Henry. 

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