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  1. The Fightin' Zombie Meatwads will strike fear in the hearts of their opponents for sure.
  2. The scene where Rusty got all self-righteous about his wife kissing (gasp) another man was just stupid. Motherfucker carries on a multiple year affair with a coworker, is smack dab in the middle of a murder trial over her death, and has the audacity to not only get indignant over his wife's revelation, but also lay hands on her? He's damn lucky that she didn't just shoot his ass right there. Although I don't think Molto killed her, I do think he's the one who tied her up post-mortem. I'm going to say that it was Rusty's son who killed her with the "thin heavy object" (baseball bat?), and his motive will be that he was pissed that dad was cheating on mom. Again.
  3. Apologies if this has already been discussed in here, but there is a documentary on Netflix that examines the history of policing in America, and paints a dire picture for any future hopes of significant reform.
  4. A1C & The Sunshine Band
  5. Player


    I hope the DOJ drops a courtesy copy of that indictment on Bonevac and Hatfield to let them know that there may be some legit FAFO consequences to digging into the confidential medical records of their students.
  6. aggy didn’t lose that game, they just ran out of Tupac.
  7. We watched the first 2 episodes of Season 2, and then went back and rewatched Season 1. Everyone knows the adage about truth being stranger than fiction, but holy shit this story is just bonkers all the way around.
  8. We have one those dogs too…
  9. Have they considered placing a gently used South Dakota shock collar (RIP Cricket) around his neck? Maybe slide a few pics of a gravel pit across the table to keep him engaged.
  10. https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/4623848-kristi-noem-describes-killing-dog-after-bad-hunting-trip-in-new-book-report/ This says that she wrote that story to show that she's willing to carry out difficult tasks. If that's what she thinks this story does, then I wonder if she made it up. I wondered about this too, as it seems reminiscent of the tale of Rick Perry pulling a pistol out of his jogging shorts to kill a coyote while out for a run. On the other hand, Brisket has pretty much conditioned me that when some shitass is telling you who they are, you better believe them.
  11. Really well done. I recalled quite a bit of the evidence against McVeigh and Nichols, but this is a much deeper dive into the rise of the right wing extremists.
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