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Bill Lumbergh

Burnt Ends
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Posts posted by Bill Lumbergh

  1. 3 minutes ago, hook me said:

    That's because it wasn't anywhere near a magical season for them in 2004.

    I understand what you're saying, but disagree.

    Outside of fans of the school, no one will remember anything about a magical season that ends in a humiliating blowout other than the humiliating blowout.

    10 years from now, all anyone will remember about tcu's season is that they had a shot to win it all and got trounced.

  2. The year before VY went all VY on USC, they pounded OU 55-19 in the title game.

    That was a brutal beatdown for a championship game, but it was STILL a closer contest than TCU/Georgia.

    All these years later, all anyone remembers is OU getting fucking exposed.  Not some magical season to get there, just the absolute pantsing USC gave them.

    That's what will be remembered years from now for tcu.  Not the storybook season, just the slasher film ending.

    I'd personally rather not be associated with those games on that stage.  We've had our share if humiliating outings over the last 10 years, but never on that stage and never with that much on the line.  Playing in the game is good...unless it's like that.  I don't see how you can argue a game like that can ever be a good thing.

    • Hook 'Em 5
  3. 10 hours ago, Neonmoon said:

    6 of 30 have entered the transfer portal so far 

    Honest q bc I don't know, does that mean they still have 24 of 30 as potential contributors?

    Have any of the remaining 24 left the team for other reasons/are not expected to contribute going forward?

    80% is higher than I expected remaining based on all of the transfer activity, but I guess if it's true they're using all of the money on these guys, it makes sense that the rest of the roster is churning.

    The problem is that the efforts to prioritize those guys in the 22 class are impacting all of the talent around them.  They're hemorrhaging upper class players and bringing in limited talent under the 22 class.  You either need exactly those 24 guys to be good enough to get something meaningful done by themselves, or you need to find a way to supplement them without losing them, which they don't appear to have found.

    It doesn't help that the 22 season did not exactly inspire confidence that Jimbo can get something done with these guys.  I know they're all young, but you'd think that much talent could avoid last place in the sec.

  4. 50 minutes ago, SimkinsMan said:

    Second best comment on that thread: "Jimbo is clearly waiting for an NFL guy at this point."

    Yeah, buddy. Jimbo got that carefully thought out plan to go and lure a big fish...


    There's always a secret plan.

    They shit the bed recruiting this year, so they assumed the plan was to rely on the portal...

    Until they started shitting the bed in the portal, and now they assume plan is to rely on the 22 class to be good enough not to need to recruit new talent this year.

    It will be fun to see what plan they default to when the remaining 22 recruits shit the bed next year.


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  5. 1 hour ago, MonkeyDoughnut said:

    It's going to be BoB... Lucci will claim all along he was the guy but they had to wait until after the bowl games.

    Saban will shrug and take one of the front runners aggy threw out there.

    Saban understands Jimbo and aggy well enough to know how to play this.

    If he's smart, he's already sent a message to Jimbo to tell him very, very specifically not to come steal BoB from them.

    This will all but assure Jimbo and aggy prioritize stealing BoB, allowing bama to unload him easily, while Saban secures one of the guys from the list who turned Jimbo down.

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  6. To the OP, you might be surprised how your neighbor actually views the situation.  Long post here, but I've seen very good and very bad in these situations and just wanted to share both.

    My wife made a friend several years ago and we got to know her and her husband reasonably well.  Both wives were pregnant and getting ready to have our first kids.

    We've been fortunate financially.  My wife had a successful career before staying home with our kids and I've made a couple of high risk career moves that have paid off.  Right place, right time, and some hard work to be fair.

    We live well below our means.  My family didn't have much, and her dad passed when she was young and her mom wasted his life insurance so nothing was left for the kids, which has resulted in her having fears about running out of money despite us being quite secure.

    Anyway, we start getting to know this couple, he's in real estate and she stays home.  Seems normal on the surface.  He's kind of a douchebag, though, and really wants to talk about money a lot which I do not.  Shortly after meeting us, they buy a new house, just a little nicer than ours.  We were happy for them with the new family.  A little later they buy an investment property not long after we talked with them about our rental that we originally bought because my mother in law couldn't afford a place to live (we later converted to a rental).  We start noticing some interesting things, like they go on extravagant vacations but only ever with his family.  Then one day he shows up bragging about buying an $80k Mercedes on a whim, which pissed the wife off because he had just a month earlier made them fire their 2x/week mom's helper citing how expensive it was.

    Not shockingly they got divorced a few years later, and only in the divorce did we learn a lot of what happened behind the scenes.  The guy's real estate career was a complete sham.  His dad was an extremely successful doctor and his mom an attorney, and they were loaded beyond belief.  Maybe out of guilt for being absentee parents, they paid for everything.  Like, everything.  The house, the rental, the car, the vacations, private school for the kids...all of it.  The only real estate he'd ever really sell was when his parents would use their influence over people with money to convince them to use him, which the wife said they usually got a terrible deal bc he has no idea what he's doing.

    The craziest part was she said meeting us drove him crazy.  She said he had never had independently financially successful friends and felt desperate for validation.  She said the day after they came to our house for the first time, and our house is not flashy at all but was nicer than the one they lived in, he told her they were moving and called his parents to say they needed to upgrade.  When we would take vacations, he would call his parents and say they needed a vacation.  After we told him about our rental, he called his parents that week and asked them to "be financial partners" in a rental investment.  He asked his parents for money for the car and his mom told him they had to fire the mom's helper if he wanted money for the car, bc why were they subsidizing a stay at home mom?

    That last part was the worst of it.  Apparently the parents absolutely leveraged the money over the entire family and expected complete say and compliance on everything across all the kids' families.  Or you're cut off, which he is terrified of because he presents his life as self made.

    It all was pretty pathetic, but also pretty sad.  She said he viewed us as the people he wanted to be, financially stable/comfortable independently, and semi obsessed over validation from us.  Meanwhile, we were obvious to 90% of this the entire time and rarely thought of him when not with them.

    Sadly, she got screwed in the divorce for the most part bc nothing was really "his" and his parents hired an army of lawyers that made the divorce very hard and expensive for her to keep fighting.  He bet that she would cave, and she did.  Now he's weaponizing the parents money with their kids, and we just keep reassuring her that as they get older they'll see him for who he really is...a terribly insecure and bad person who is unlikely to ever really do anything of value with his life.

    There's another side to these stories, too.  One of my wife's other friends had a dad who founded an oil company and sold it in the 80s.  Her brother has taken a $200-300k a year job there with a cushy title and almost no real responsibility.  She says her dad was completely absent in her childhood and she resented him for it, and turned down his offer for financial support many times in the past.  She met her husband when she was managing a bar and he was working construction.  They live a very normal middle class life.

    As they started having kids, her dad had a heart to heart with her about regretting the dad he was and wanting to make it up by being in her life at this stage and being close with the grandkids.  She forgave him and they've formed a good adult relationship, and he is very close and very involved in the grandkids lives.  Around a year ago, she called my wife beside herself to say that her dad called and was giving her a $30m trust, effective immediately.  He asked her please not to turn it down, but to use it so they could have a good life.  He also offered some guidance on how to use it to make their lives better without creating trouble in their lives.

    That same day her husband quit his construction job, but they made no other big life changes.  They still live in the same home, drive the same cars, etc.  Maybe they take a bit nicer trips, eat a bit nicer meals out, but she said they only draw what her husband was making in salary from the trust each month.  They figure at that rate they'll never run out and should have plenty to leave the kids.  Her husband, instead of doing nothing, immediately started buying houses that need fixing up and is using his construction knowledge and contacts to flip properties as a job now.  He's his own boss and I've never seen him happier.

    This is how it should be.  My wife has said that she's made comments that she's not sure she wouldn't trade all of this for actually having a relationship with her dad growing up.  But that wasn't a choice for her, and she is making a good decision for her family, and never begged or changed how she wanted to live her life to get this. It happened because their relationship was repaired later in life and the dad wanted to give this to his kids and grandkids.

    They're still the most down to earth people you'll ever meet and we couldn't be happier for this unexpected and amazing turn in life they're experiencing.

    I only share these two stories to say: there are often a lot of complicated family dynamics behind the scenes in these situations and don't assume with surface level visibility you understand how things really are.  If they're good people before you knew they had the money or where they got it, they're still good people after, and vice versa.  Be thankful for what your family has.  If you provide it for them on your own, take pride in that.  If you get support, be thankful for that, don't waste it, and don't be an ass about it.  Be thankful for whatever you have.  Plenty will have better and worse, and no matter where you are in the spectrum you can drive yourself crazy worrying about what others have and how they have it.

    • Hook 'Em 5
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  7. The mental gymnastics at play as they talk about how other schools buying mercenaries is going to backfire with locker room drama and mass transfers a year later, without acknowledging that they are literally the case study for both things happening after buying a class full of mercenaries, is impressive even for aggy.

    • Hook 'Em 2
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  8. 3 minutes ago, NoName said:

    hey at least Gilbert ran an interesting offense and had called plays in the last FOUR years! last time he called plays was for Sac State in 2018!

    I think this is all kind of the point, though.

    Anyone who has been an oc is going to demand play calling responsibilities.  Jimbo doesn't want that.

    So what do you do?  You hire a position coach, announce you're elevating them to OC, and behind the scenes tell them Jimbo is calling the plays but you still get the paycheck.

    They were never going to get a proven OC in this role because Jimbo has never intended to give up play calling.  He's checking a box demanded by the $ guys in the most transparently disingenuous way possible.

    Get ready for Jimbo to explain that he's still holding his massive binder of plays on the sideline next season so he can provide "input" on the offensive calls, because that is definitely going to happen.

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  9. 50 minutes ago, Ricky's one-hitter said:



    That's it. That's the one that will really get the croots riled up.

    Watch out for offensive skill position players in the portal and on nsd2, as I'm pretty sure they've all been waiting to see where Luke Huard lands before making a decision.

    • Haha 4
  10. Just now, C-Man said:

    I've asked this a couple of times and still haven't gotten an answer -- probably because there isn't one -- but what is the supposed job we gave to Anthony Hill's dad to get him to flip to Texas?

    It's the kind of super secret, high paying job that is extremely easy to confirm and prove beyond a doubt as true but also impossible to verify or provide evidence of.

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