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Posts posted by PittsburghTiger

  1. Facebook was warned five years ago that the “reverse-lookup” feature in its search engine could be used to harvest names, profiles, and phone numbers for virtually all its users. But the company ignored the red flags until last week, after it happened.

    In prepared testimony to Congress released Monday, Mark Zuckerbergacknowledged that malefactors had used the reverse-lookup “to link people’s public Facebook information to a phone number,” he wrote (PDF). “When we found out about the abuse, we shut this feature down.” He said that Facebook only discovered the incidents two weeks ago.



  2. Nearly 30 lawmakers hold stock in Facebook — including three who could soon be grilling its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, about a British company that usurped his firm’s data without user consent to possibly help steer elections.

    Twenty-eight members listed stock in the social media giant, according to Roll Call’s Wealth of Congressproject. Among them, Democratic Reps. Kurt Schrader of Oregon and Joseph P. Kennedy III of Massachusetts sit on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, while Democratic Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island sits on Senate Judiciary.

    Both panels, along with Senate Commerce, invited Zuckerberg to appear before them after reports that Cambridge Analytica, a British big data firm, obtained access to private information of millions of Facebook users under questionable circumstances. Cambridge Analytica reportedly incorporated the data in ad-targeting tools used by political campaigns including President Donald Trump’s winning 2016 bid.

    House Commerce announced Wednesday that Zuckerberg will testify on April 11 on “the company’s use and protection of user data.”

    Kennedy, through various trust funds, has at least $80,000 invested in Facebook, Schrader at least $15,000, and Whitehouse no less than $30,000.

    Ten Democratic members, including Kennedy, sent a letter last Thursday to the Federal Trade Commission commending its investigation into Facebook’s data privacy practices.

    “Congressman Kennedy’s stock holdings do not influence his work in Congress,” his office said in response to questions from Roll Call about his Facebook shares.

    Schrader and Whitehouse did not respond to requests for comment.

    Other notable lawmakers also own a slice of Facebook — including House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. Through her husband, the California Democrat holds at least $500,000 in the social media stock.

    Texas Republican Rep. Michael McCaul reported at least $1 million in Facebook stock and some $30,000 in 2016 capital gains through his spouse and child.

    Illinois Rep. Brad Schneider has at least $200,000 in the company through his wife’s IRA, while Rhode Island Rep. Jim Langevin, a fellow Democrat, holds stock worth at least $115,000 and had capital gains of more than $5,000, according to his 2016 financial disclosure. Ohio Republican Rep. James B. Renacci also owns at least $150,000 worth of Facebook stock.

    Several lawmakers with holdings in the company say they recognize that new policies on social media oversight are needed after the latest developments.

    “I have called for regulation on data and an internet bill [of] rights. I have said that self regulation is not sufficient,” Rep. Ro Khanna said in an email. The California Democrat listed Facebook stock worth at least $2,000 through a financial firm that manages his wife’s assets.

    “The Facebook assets are held by my wife, not by me,” Khanna wrote in an email. “She has an independent financial management firm manage her assets and does not make decisions on what to buy or sell.”

    Pelosi’s office also sought to put distance between the Democratic leader and her husband when asked about Facebook being listed on her disclosure.

    “These investments are Mr. Pelosi’s not Leader Pelosi’s. Leader Pelosi plays no role in this investment and has no stock investments of her own,” an aide said.



  3. http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2018/04/09/facebooks-mark-zuckerberg-will-not-be-under-oath-before-senate-committee-but-compelled-by-statute-to-tell-the-truth/

    When Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg takes the stand before a joint congressional panel on Tuesday, he will not be under oath, Breitbart News has learned. But he will be required by federal statute to tell the truth, and if he lies he could face serious legal consequences.

    A senior Senate GOP aide helping organize the joint Senate Judiciary Committee and Senate Commerce Committee hearing told Breitbart News that it is standard practice not to swear witnesses like this in under oath. But they are required by law to tell the truth, the aide says.

    “He won’t be under oath, but he is under legal obligation to tell the truth,” the Senate aide told Breitbart News of Zuckerberg.

    The Senate hearing, the first of two appearances Zuckerberg will make before Congress this week, begins at 2:15 p.m. ET on Capitol Hill. Judiciary Committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) will begin by explaining how the joint committee hearing will operate, then opening statements will be made by Senate Commerce Committee chairman Sen. John Thune (R-SD), Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), Grassley, and Commerce Committee ranking member Sen. Bill Nelson (D-FL).



    WASHINGTON — Members of the House and Senate committees that will question Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg about user privacy protection next week are also some of the biggest recipients of campaign contributions from Facebook employees directly and the political action committee funded by employees.

    The congressional panel that got the most Facebook contributions is the House Energy and Commerce Committee, which announced Wednesday morning it would question Zuckerberg on April 11.

    Members of the committee, whose jurisdiction gives it regulatory power over Internet companies, received nearly $381,000 in contributions tied to Facebook since 2007, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. The center is a non-partisan, non-profit group that compiles and analyzes disclosures made to the Federal Election Commission.

    The second-highest total, $369,000, went to members of the Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Committee, which announced later that it would have a joint hearing with the Senate Judiciary Committee to question Zuckerberg on Tuesday. Judiciary Committee members have received $235,000 in Facebook contributions.

    On the House committee, Republicans got roughly twice as much as Democrats, counter to the broader trend in Facebook campaign gifts. Of the $7 million in contributions to all federal candidates tied to the Menlo Park, Calif.-based social network, Democrats got 65% to Republicans' 33%.

    Of the 55 members on the Energy and Commerce Committee this year, all but nine have received Facebook contributions in the past decade. The average Republican got $6,800, while the average Democrat got $6,750.

    Committee Chairman Greg Walden, R-Ore., received $27,000, while Rep. Frank Pallone of New Jersey, the top-ranking Democrat, got $7,000.

    Walden and Pallone jointly announced that the committee on April 11 will question Zuckerberg "to shed light on critical consumer data privacy issues and help all Americans better understand what happens to their personal information online."

  4. Did Franco have his GodPa cutout with him when he signed that?


    Reckless? It would be libelous if GodPa were alive today? I wonder how GodPa would have done in court, if he were alive when the trial happened? Fucking hate those fucks.

  5. 16 hours ago, hornimal said:

    maduro suspends commercial ties with panama

    lost frequent flyer miles will be made up by tankers now having to go around south america to reach china.


    PANAMA CITY (Reuters) - Venezuelan president Nicolas Maduro along with more than 50 Venezuelan nationals are considered “high risk” for laundering money and financing terrorism, according to an advisory issued by Panama’s economy and finance ministry.

    Venezuelan Attorney General Tarek William Saab and electoral board president Tibisay Lucena were also named in the advisory along with Socialist Party No. 2 Diosdado Cabello, the elder brother of late president Hugo Chavez, and 16 firms in Venezuela. 

    The economy and finance ministry’s National Commission Against Money Laundering released the list late on Thursday, following its initial announcement on Tuesday. 
    Maduro’s socialist government has repeatedly vowed to combat corruption that has plagued Venezuela and its oil industry for decades, contributing to its devastating economic collapse.
  6. Despite the death of the clan's charismatic leader last month, the Chavez family nevertheless continue to hold sway as the ruling Socialist Party seeks to continue the Revolution that "El Comandante" started 14 years ago. 

    Nicolas Maduro, the 51-year-old former bus driver who Chavez designated as his successor, opened his campaign with a televised interview flanked by prominent members of Clan Chavez, who gave their all-important blessing to his candidacy. 

    "The family is here with you", proclaimed eldest son Adan, who is the governor of Barinas state. "Nicolas Maduro can be ratified before the Venezuelan people and continue the Bolivarian revolution". 

    If Mr Maduro, as polls predict, wins Sunday's election, the Chavez family, which has members spread throughout all branches of the Venezuelan government, is unlikely to be called to account for its conspicuous affluence any time soon. 

    The second of seven children, Hugo Chavez's stellar career brought fame and power to his family. His father, a former schoolteacher, served three terms as Barinas state governor, before turning to real estate development. Another brother, Argenis Chavez, is Venezuela's energy minister. 

    The impoverished region was showered with government-funded social projects, which explains why many poorer residents still support the Chavez family, despite the allegations of corruption and the food shortages that leave three-hour queues at the supermarket for basic provisions. 

    "We are very pleased with the Chavez family, they have done great things in our state", said Leonardo Osoyardo, a 33-year-old 'Chavista' who works in one of the state's social projects. "Everyone in Barinas is content with them". 

    That is not exactly true. 

    "Barinas is the worst state in Venezuela, and it's the fault of the Chavez family", said José Vitriago, a 56-year-old street kiosk vendor who voted for Chavez in all three of his presidential campaigns. 

    "It's pure corruption, and Hugo Chavez allowed it all happen. 

    "They take the money that's intended to help the people, and they put it in their own pockets. They're buying country estates and apartments in the United States while we have nothing".



  7. In one year, 65 per cent of asylum seekers assessed after claiming to be juveniles were judged to be over 18.

    Home Office figures reveal that there have been 12,942 disputes over the ages of child asylum seekers since 2006, with 5,965 – around 46 per cent – found to be over 18 in this period.

    Ministers have ruled out using medical tests, including dental checks, to assess the age of migrants. Citing guidance by the Dental Medical Association, they say tests of teeth are ‘inaccurate, inappropriate and unethical’.

    But Britain is one of only three EU countries not to use medical checks to verify the age of child asylum seekers. The others are Ireland and Cyprus.

    Every other nation calls in doctors, dentists or psychologists to root out adults who are abusing the asylum system by pretending to be children.

    A Home Office spokesman said: ‘After consultation with stakeholders we published revised guidance on age assessments and we have committed to produce more child-friendly information in a range of languages to help children better understand the asylum system.’


    Despite concerns that adults pose as minors to get into the UK, officials do not carry out medical tests, subjecting them instead to a series of rigorous interviews.

    Once a person claims asylum, initial interviews are conducted to gather information such as identity, medical conditions and age.

    If a refugee does not have a birth certificate or travel documents, a Home Office screening officer must decide whether the person is a child based on ‘physical appearance and demeanour’.

    Unless the refugee appears ‘significantly’ over 18, they should be ‘afforded the benefit of the doubt and treated as children’. Officials will continue to attempt to collect more information to check their age. If there are still doubts about a refugee’s claim to be a child the individual will then be age-assessed by two local council social workers.

    They consider family composition, schooling, experience of life, ability to interact with others, and psychological development, alongside appearance and demeanour.

    The Home Office has ruled out using medical tests, including dental checks, to assess the age of migrants.

    Citing guidance by the Dental Medical Association, ministers have said tests of teeth are ‘inaccurate, inappropriate and unethical’. Experts said age assessments using dental X-rays were unreliable, with it being possible to wrongly estimate someone’s age by two or three years.

    Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-5592357/Two-thirds-child-refugees-lied-age-18.html#ixzz5CH3oaDhz 
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  8. On 4/7/2018 at 7:43 PM, Not that Bob said:

    I started in the knot hole section in 1957. Attended DKR's first game, and his last. Suffered through all the bad years after (and some good)  just because it was simply "what I do." When the jumbotron started to drown out The Longhorn Band I couldn't take it anymore. It was no longer the experience I had loved for over 50 years. It was a circus...not a Longhorn game. 

    After the NCAA tournament as a ticket purchaser the NCAA sent a survey and a few of the questions concerned the pipped-in music over the pep bands. I answered each one that we needed less pipped-in and contrived fun and more focus on the game and allowing the bands to play more.

    Less attempts to entertain us during every time out.

  9. 27 minutes ago, Michael Knight said:
    43 minutes ago, PittsburghTiger said:
    He, Woods, has some time. Nicklaus was 46 when he won the Master's in '86. He did win two majors in 1980 when he was 40, or about to turn 40.
    It seems like there are a ton of really good young players out there. I never really paid attention enough to know if that was the same for Nicklaus at that same time in his career. But today Woods finished 16, or 17, strokes back of the winner. That's a lot of ground to make up if you want to win a major.

    Not gonna happen, competition is too good and his game has fallen too much

    I agree. But there is still a window of time remaining, technically speaking.

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