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Everything posted by Ragnarok

  1. She still wants him to go first. How does that work anyway? Q: Judge, do you deny the allegations that you believe Ms. Ford is about to make about you? A: ???, um...
  2. Politics continue to be interesting. 3d chess. She ain't testifying, she never planned to. Negotiations are a sham designed to allow her to say Republicans wouldn't let her testify. Then later she produces the 2nd witness who also never has to tell a story under oath that corroborates some aspect of her story. But there's no way Ed Whelan throws out the wrong ID story if Kavanaugh allies weren't ready to corroborate. So, the projection is no testimony, and confirmation (well, assuming Trump can restrain himself--how long til he loses Collins by tweeting Ford was too ugly to rape anyway?), and then D's say the R's elevated a rapist to the Supreme Court. The R's counter with the bitch didn't finger the right guy. And nobody has to testify under oath. Just another normal day in American politics these days.
  3. Politics of this is interesting, in an ultra slimy sort of way. If there was any substance here, Fineswine would have brought it up months ago. Of that, you can be sure. We can conclude that our esteemed Senator thought there was no there there. But that doesn't mean the democrats can't come away with a huge political win, especially since this political assassination has been planned for years. Suppose Ford refuses to tell this fairy tale under oath. The R's will confirm, as they should. Then, waiting on the grassy knoll is the 2nd liar.... The D's spend the month of October talking non-stop about the Republicans elevating a rapist to the Supreme Court. Nobody has to even perjure herself. By the time the truth comes out (and how do you disprove 36 year old fairy tales, anyway), the damage is done. Ugg, clever.
  4. Isn't this like masturbation? Just 2 kinds of people. Those that admit they do it, and liars.
  5. I was really hoping somebody would step up and convince me the OL is better this year than I think it is. Sadly, that has not happened.
  6. Ugg. I'm pretty much in the camp that winning the line of scrimmage is what wins football games. I don't see us winning the offensive line of scrimmage much against quality opponents with the guys we have. I wish somebody would convince me the pessimism is unwarranted. Offensive line is the hardest unit to fix once it's broken. There's just no quick fixes with freshman like you have at other positions.
  7. http://thesmokinggun.com/documents/animals/oklahoma-pony-case-629403 AUGUST 6--In full view of several onlookers, an Oklahoma man allegedly had sex with a pony in a field outside Tulsa, according to police. Responding to a 911 call about “a man having sex with a pony,” Rogers County Sheriff’s Office deputies arrived around 8:45 AM Wednesday morning to a rural neighborhood in Inola, a city about 30 miles east of Tulsa. Upon arriving at the scene, a local resident told cops she was leaving for work when she “observed a white male full nude standing in the field having sex with a pony.” The woman called a neighbor and “asked her to check it out and call the police.” Well, you have to admit, the pony was probably better-looking than most of the girls in Oklahoma......
  8. These boards have no serious discussion on them any more, if they ever did. It's just one long boring parody of liberal rage.
  9. Yeah, Tom. Never interrupt a liberal circle jerk. It's pointless and disgusting. And messy. Just don't.
  10. Tuco, high profile democrats are mostly keeping their mouths shut on that one, because even guys like Bernie Sanders are getting savaged by the left for acknowledging abolishing ICE may not be a good idea. On the other hand, high profile democrats are encouraging the protests that are saying these things. Who in the democrat party is coming out in support of effective border control policies? I am sure the Republicans will portray democrats as being in favor of open borders. If democrats aren't, they aren't doing much of a job making their case. Maybe I'm wrong. But that's how I see the midterms shaping up.
  11. I'm not saying there aren't reasonable people discussing real solutions. It's just that they have zero influence in the democrat party right now. All over the country we see people protesting and carrying signs saying. Abolish ICE. No separation and no detention. That's what democrats have chosen to run on in 2018. Perhaps a middle ground emerges, but I don't think so. The political implications of these positions what what my original post was about.
  12. Ok, the 4th sentence was " Trump didn't create this problem, and the American people do not want open borders, which is the solution that the left is doubling down on." I really thought the only controversial part of what I said was about Obama's policies. As for that sentence, well, I don't see what's controversial about it. Trump didn't create the illegal immigration problem. The left is advocating for a system that will overwhelm any attempt to control it. There are millions, perhaps hundreds of millions of people that would like to immigrate into the U.S. You can control the border, or you can get chaos. There's really no in-between. As soon as it is perceived that you aren't controlling the border, you attract many more illegal immigrants. That's pretty much what has happened, and now we are trying to deal with it. It is difficult.
  13. Well, my second sentence was " It is shaping up to be THE issue in the 2018 elections. If you disagree with something else, by all means, let me know.
  14. Well, I’m glad to see you admit that the previous typical illegal immigrant was a single male, not whole families. What changed was Obama’s policies. What was actually under discussion in that thread was Obama flying in families to El Paso who were caught coming in illegally in South Texas, helping them arrange transportation to their final U.S. destination, and telling them to show up for their court date, which of course most didn’t. If you think policies like that don't encourage illegal immigration, you just have no intellectual honesty. The amnesty system is overwhelmed and unworkable because too many folks are claiming it in response to the policies Obama instituted.
  15. I remember a time when the Obama policies that led to our immigration system being overwhelmed could be discussed (somewhat) rationally: http://www.shaggytexas.com/board/showthread.php/146694-Obama-administration-has-gone-from-not-enforcing-immigration-law-to-actively-helping Brisket then: I don't think that interdicted illegal aliens should be released and expected to show up at their deportation hearing. They should have a prompt deportation hearing, and if deportation is merited, be deported.
  16. Well, I assume the part you disagree with is that Obama created this problem. The system is not static. People react to the policies that we put in place. The factors that created this wave of illegal immigrants bringing children with them is in response to policies Obama implemented. The problem with DACA is the loopholes that it creates. Anybody can get across with a child now, and then claim the child has been in the US all along. The reality is that this works. Combine that with Obama’s catch and release policy, and you have provided strong incentives for illegals to come in with children. Reversing those incentives is difficult. I’d say Obama’s plan is working well. If the left gets there way, those policies will continue, and we will have lost control of the border. It’s pretty simple, either we have the rule of law or we don’t. You guys are all in on chaos.
  17. You can't pass a budget without 60 votes in the Senate. The democrats are doing the same thing to you that the republican senate did to us during the Obama years. Grow up. You guys didn't do a damn thing about the deficit except run trillion dollar deficits when you had all 3 branches and 60 votes in the Senate.
  18. It was bipartisanship that put SS and medicare funds in general revenue, and IOUs in the SS trust fund.
  19. There may be some valid reasons to vote for democrats. I can't personally think of any. But vote for democrats so we can return to fiscal sanity isn't one of them. Call a spade a spade.
  20. The deficit is a huge problem. It is slowly devastating the young, poor and middle class. Stealth inflation (the government basically just lies about it) is eroding buying power and wages aren't keeping up. Welcome to the new normal. I've been outraged about it since the government under Obama quit having market interest rates and started having one branch of the government buy debt from another. It is ludicrous to think one side or the other has any moral high ground here. It is the "establishment", republicans and democrats, doing this to taxpayers. All of Washington has been complicit in this. Unfortunately, this is the only area Trump has joined the establishment.
  21. Well, that's all well and good. But it has nothing to do with what we were discussing or what this thread is about.
  22. Seriously? You think there is legislation to prevent hiring of illegals that would get democrat support?
  23. There is no legislation that would pass both houses. I'll admit R's are hypocrites, and happy to hide on this. But do you really think you could get democrats to vote for anything to clamp down on illegal immigration? Get serious. Republicans have nothing to gain by proposing legislation. Anything effective will never pass.
  24. I agree with the sentiment. The easiest place to stop illegal immigration is with employers .But let's get real. The democrats will block anything related to going after employers for hiring illegals. Republicans are hypocrites on this issue too, and aren't going to do anything. But the D's are the real problem here.
  25. Open borders or a welfare state---you only get to pick one.
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