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Uncle Nate

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Everything posted by Uncle Nate

  1. But would it? These "leaders" have overseen misstep after misstep by the Pac 12/10. They have been a part of it. Now we bring in a couple of them or more and we expect them to change their ways? It's akin to locker room culture. Coaches these days when evaluating transfer portal prospects not only have to consider the athlete's abilities, but also the impact that person may have on the culture and cohesiveness of the team. Maybe I'm treating them unfairly due to guilt by association, but at the end of the day, the commissioner reports to the presidents. Pac 12 failure is on the presidents, and I'm seeing 10 university presidents who seem completely incapable of making decisions, much less smart ones. Maybe it's by design and a couple of these presidents are playing 4D chess, but I doubt it.
  2. I'm starting to wonder if bringing in a couple of these mensa schools is a wise move for the Big 12. Either these university presidents are in the loop and are indecisive making really poor decisions, or they are out of the loop and completely ineffectual in overseeing and participating in the business of the conference. Either way...are these ineffectual and indecisive leaders the type of partners the Big 12 would want to have as it's trying to be more innovative and nimble in promoting its brand and the brands of its members? I'm seriously thinking bringing in a CU, AZ, Ute, or whoever would be like tying an anchor to the conference just as its trying to establish and promote its innovative and creative approach to modern collegiate athletics.
  3. For that matter, there will be some of those kids on the aggy roster as well.
  4. Good point. Could be a combination of both.
  5. Ego. They think there is more prestige associating with Cal and Stanford.
  6. I am truly amazed at how people who have no business running a collegiate athletic conference are able to ascend to the role of commissioner (GK, L. Scott, D. Beebee, etc.) The Peter Principle is alive and well in college athletics.
  7. Well now we know why George hasn't spoken to the media since last year...he's a trainwreck.
  8. Titans got a new stadium? Did not know that.
  9. So the Stanford President just resigned (the reason for the resignation is not related to realignment). But he was one of the Presidents that was about to compose the new PAC 10 Executive Council.
  10. Please point to the spot on the doll where Texas Tech touched you.
  11. He's got to be a Yute. They are the only ones I see this vitriolic towards BYU.
  12. Get out of here with that bullshit. Take it to the Cloak Room. Why? Because we only want to talk football and not get dragged down into your political bullshit?
  13. Wow....it was one year ago today that the conference was authorized by its Board to begin negotiations for its next media rights deal. What an utter shitshow the past year has been.
  14. Maybe the worst thing the UA and CU presidents could have said is that they won't consider leaving until after they see the deal. Kilavkoff is taking them at their word on that. If it is true that they won't be presented the specifics of the deal for another month and it won't be ready to be signed until Labor Day, and if it's also true that a school has to give notice to leave by the end of July, then that means they either have to make the decision to jump without seeing the deal, or roll the dice and stay without knowing what their TV/GOR future will hold. I just can't see UA and CU being content with that situation.
  15. George Kliavkoff really is playing the Costanza "she can't break up with me if she can't find me" card (see meme earlier in this thread). What I can't believe is how patient the Pac10 schools are being about this. He's basically stringing them along to a point where they wouldn't be able to leave due to contractural timing, in an odd way just like what he did to SDSU but in reverse.
  16. That would seem to go against the way Apple does things. They are smart and calculating. I don’t see how PacNet could be viewed as a good idea within Apple. But what do I know? (Hint: Not a damn thing).
  17. I think it goes way beyond just targeted ads. When it was first announced, they were talking about how this data could be used by advanced analytic sites for gambling sites and the like? I admit I don't know much more than that, but it was interesting to hear all the ramifications that could result from a data deal like this.
  18. Oh man, Brett Yormark is a cold, calculating SOB. Release this on the same day after the reports the Pac 12 still doesn't have shit and have fucked it up so bad that SDSU had to grovel back to the MWC with hat in hand. I like the man's style.
  19. This is why Carol Burnet is before OSU-Cal. The hope is her show will boost the ratings for the game.
  20. Tonight on MeTV...it's the Carol Burnet Show, followed by Oregon State vs. Cal.
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