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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Schulz2.0

  1. It was upper 80s here in Denver last week. It's supposed to get down to 12 Monday morning.
  2. Sounds like the ground offensive will begin soon.
  3. I work with a guy who's dad immigrated here. The dad is a Greek Turk. My coworker was bitching to me about us financing Israel's military to kill Gazans. He said he felt he couldn't vote for any Democrats or Republicans because of their support for Israel. For a lot of people of Middle Eastern Muslim ancestry, they generally see it as similar to Native Americans fighting white settlers. We can disagree with them, but that's their viewpoint. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/27/michigan-arab-american-voters-biden-israel
  4. Call me crazy here, but countries like Iran and Russia have us by the balls in a hostage swap because they literally don't give a fuck about any of their citizens.
  5. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/oct/26/russian-deserters-call-on-former-comrades-to-join-them-armenia-soldiers-ukraine-war
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