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Posts posted by DallasHorn26

  1. 1 hour ago, Brisketexan said:

    Oh,. I've seen several people pop up in various places with the "wait till March 4th, the military is in charge, and is going to arrest Biden for being part of an illegal government in league with foreign countries blah blah blah."

    That date will pass....and they will cook up something else.  They will be awaiting Trump's Christ-like return 10 years from now, based on the 459th iteration of their "but wait, this is the REAL STORM....next week!" nonsense.

    These people are either morons of the highest order, mentally ill, or both.  And they control the dialogue and direction of one of our two political parties.

    Dumbest.  Fucking.  Timeline.

    Someone tried to tell me the other day that March 4th is the actual inauguration day in the constitution.  HMMMM...have you read the 20th amendment dumbass?

  2. On 1/7/2021 at 11:30 AM, sunset87 said:

    I was symptomatic starting December 15th, which started with a cough. I am about the same age as you.  I had fever for the first two days, got up to 102.3 and after that body aches, congestion, fatigue and lost taste and smell but for only a couple of days. 

    The worst part is how long it seems to drag on and, the main reason I quoted, the freaking brain fog.  That stuff lasted a good 15 to 16 days after my initial symptoms.  It's a shitty feeling that you just can't shake. I am pretty much fully recovered now, but I have heard some people have brain fog for months.  That would drive me insane.

    That was me too. I started having symptoms around the 22nd. Started with fever and body aches. I never really had a cough. Tested positive on the 26th and for about a week after that could barely walk from one room to the other without feeling short of breath. Had the brain fog and didn't feel 100% normal until this past weekend (Jan 10th), also dropped nearly 20lbs during those few weeks.

  3. I've always been curious about this, but not sure what I'd uncover. My biological granmother was a sloot(no pics). Pretty certain my grandfather fathered my mother's oldest two sisters, but he for sure didn't the third (Mom was the 4th) as he was stationed in Germany at the time of conception. He raised her as his own, but there was always the question of my Mom and another sibling that was given up for an illegal adoption after she was born. 

  4. After 5+ days of fever, I went to the ER Saturday. I tested positive and they also found a spot on my lung they said is inconsistent with covid. My pulse ox was at 95, so they didn’t keep me. The fever is still here after a week, but starting to stay down. I do feel very winded just making short walks from one room to the next and haven’t felt like eating in about 3 days. I’m isolating at home alone and just trying to keep fluids in and rest. Thankfully no one I was around recently is showing symptoms.

    • Hook 'Em 6
  5. I’ve been battling a fever for 2 days and keep taking ibuprofen and vitamin c like everyb3-4 hours. The fever will not turn. It’s been as high as 102, but seems to average around 100. Yesterday I had a headache like I’ve never had before. It felt like a sinus headache. Still have sense of taste and smell. No throat ache and only a little bit of a runny nose.

  6. SIAP. I enjoy watching Mark Rober sometimes. He's a former Apple engineer that designs different devices. He's the one that designed the glitter/fart spray bomb for porch pirates. Also helped design this trampoline that they dropped a car on from the how ridiculous tower. Skip ahead to 11:35 to see car drop.





  7. Dave was on the Joe Rogan podcast for a little bit with Donnell Rawlings (Ashy Larry) last week. Said he’s hoping to park it in Austin for a few weeks later this month or after the first of the year. Can’t remember where in the podcast he said it, but I think it was towards the end.

  8. Had a mini Thanksgiving with my kids last night before they go back to their Mom's today. Since they already had 1 traditional meal with their grandparents, we went slightly off course with:


    Roasted Potatoes




    Having a more traditional meal tomorrow with the GF(no pics) and a few friends

    I'm smoking a turkey on the WSM

    Dressing (using my late Grandmother & Mom's recipe similar to NMAS' recipe in the dressing thread)

    Mashed Potatoes

    Green Bean Casserole

    Sweet Potatoes

    Chess Cake (also my grand mother's recipe)

    Pumpkin Pie



    • Hook 'Em 2
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  9. On 10/28/2020 at 11:04 AM, lateshow said:

    This looks bad. Real bad. 

    Just finished the free episode, not worth paying for premium to see more. Definitely brought back the cheesiness of the original with 4th wall breaks, etc. 

  10. 27 minutes ago, ztejas said:

    I think there are a lot of alcoholics like you where the ability to either pick up or not pick up the first drink isn't really the issue. The impossible part is finding control or power after taking that first drink. 

    This was something else that came up last night - I am not powerless over taking that first drink or making the decision to not drink. At least not while I'm working my program. But as soon as that first one goes down we are right back to step 1 (literally, here) and all bets are off. 

    (But that is my interpretation of the first step - and a different interpretation than the one I had coming in. I used to think powerless meant "I am incapable of not drinking". There are plenty of people in AA that might disagree with my sentiment)

    Probably describes most of us. I could not drink when I needed to (at work or when I had my kids, certain events), but once that first drink goes in, all bets are off until I'm passed out, cut off, or out of money. Last Call was the absolute worse phrase I could hear and would send me into a panic.


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