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Burnt Ends
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Everything posted by justhookit

  1. hi Darren. edit - holy shit I just saw that you are an aggy. Fucking hysterical coming from y’all.
  2. So I’m stuck in some sort of bizarre island version of this. I was just informed we have guests coming over for an informal Xmas party at 3 and I needed to go to the store. One of the guests is no shit bringing eggnog. We are obviously having Jade’s chili but other than that I’m not sure what is going on with this menu. Not included on the list was Marlboro lights and more money to pay the person delivering a mattress this afternoon. What mattress and from where you might ask? I have no idea either. We also don’t need a mattress. No clue how I’m going to make it till 5:30 for our most important non-conference basketball game of the year. @MissingInActionyour girl will be here come on down. There’s clearly no way I will be able to pay attention to this thread so somebody text me when nothing happens.
  3. Speaking of, I just stumbled into the kitchen and found my girl with this on the stove and 18 open spice containers. I’m pretty sure I’m having Jade’s chili for lunch. I’m going back to bed.
  4. No, like holes in women’s jeans, I had to pay extra for that.
  5. It’s all fucked up because we were Xmas decorating yesterday. and lots of drinking. I’ll try to get a better picture for you one day. If you are referring to the chair fabric my decorator said it was “in”. It has grown on me.
  6. This is a real thing and it’s fucking up my worldview.
  7. We went thru a page or 2 to get rid of the CFS talk and you do that. Looks DAF. Good job.
  8. The amazing thing is that I never got thrown out of a bar in Austin back in the day. I’m sure I should have been out on my ass on many occasion. I didn’t ever cause trouble, like fighting, so maybe that was it. But holy shit we got drunk especially in the early to late 90’s. I’m not sure there was a bar in town we couldn’t go to and give 10 bucks to the bartender to drink for free for the night. God bless Abel’s, 606, Wylie’s, paradise, liberty lunch, continental club, district, hula hut, el arroyo, and especially cedar street, all the others too. Good times.
  9. Port A so we just drink bud light. Imperial in Costa Rica. Cindy drinks her vodka/soda occasionally but mostly sticks to our beers. What’s the opposite of beer snobs? We are that. I hate chocolate, never have worn a sombrero and the only clown shoes I like are the high helmed variety. This sounds like a terrible beer.
  10. Told y’all we can change the narrative. CFS talk going away, cereal talk going away, we aren’t doing beer talk but there’s nothing to say about how bad my beer is. Back to Q E it is.
  11. I’m only going to discuss it if it means that we can move on from the other food that won’t be named at this time.
  12. You got me beat on number but I guarantee I’m never getting let back in the one place. Don’t give a shit, one of the owners hates me. It’s Bernie’s. I got completely fucked up there one night like we all used to do and refused to leave. I outsmarted them, and myself, because they have a back and front door so I just ran between the two and got friends to buy me drinks. Usually, this gets you a week timeout. Due to island drama one female part owner person hates me and the owner I am friends with I don’t want to put in the position of letting me back in. So I go hang out with @immamacwhen he graces us with his presence and otherwise we go anywhere and they laugh that there’s a bar that want let us in. We spend pretty decent money and neither of us are large enough to knock out a midget.
  13. You should have gotten both those stories at the Okie Lite game when we were all there at the tailgate. Or the tailgate before that. Cindy loves to tell them. On the other hand I’ve had a ton of shaggy/surly people grab a beer or 5 with me here in Port A and the only one that got in trouble was
  14. I think we can all agree we’ve done our job by moving the conversation from CFS to cereals. Surely they can’t continue that discussion in the morning because it’s fucking stupid.
  15. Wait I agree and repped you but then realized you think chicken fried steak is fish.
  16. Sounds like you weren’t committed. I never got thrown out of a bar in either one despite attending UT for 6 years and then living in Dallas for 5 years. but I dislike both equally now. I’ve been thrown out of a bar in Port A but still love it. Actually 2 bars but there’s only one that still won’t let me in. Imma blame @MissingInActionexcept that was about 3 years before I ever met him.
  17. Kerri is a female I believe so that explains that.
  18. Explain gram cracker things in 50 words or less. Go.
  19. Wait people pour milk first? Like that’s a thing? Next you’ll be telling me lime before salt.
  20. Is that a Dallas bar or Austin? We might as well discuss the various merits of getting kicked out in the better city.
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