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Fuck Tim Beck

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Everything posted by Fuck Tim Beck

  1. I was not aware Chad Briscoe has a tree cutting cousin.
  2. Don't forget to mention the imitation crab meat and your model trains
  3. I see fat chicks. They should have been overturned too
  4. As far as spectators go for womens basketball, you'd still be the least offensive thing there. Hell, just borrow plonskey's cod piece
  5. The darker the berry, the bigger the bullet hole?
  6. If there was ever gonna be a bumper sticker for the surly truck mafia, this is it.
  7. I mean, who here hasn't grabbed a pussy before realizing how big it was?
  8. Hard to tell how much damage the bobcat did. But dude is lucky he didn't get shredded.
  9. This is a nice twist to the usual boating accidents. Well done
  10. Interesting. I guess LBJ acquired property the same way he acquired radio stations. The threat of violence
  11. And the cop that pulls you over for this has a laptop, radar system, lights, and what else blocking their field of vision? Reason # eleventy billion that cops suck.
  12. Perhaps beto will come to everyone's home. While wearing his dress of course.
  13. Screw up move up. But seriously, fuck that guy
  14. IMO if this guy had been white and or republican, Facebook doesn't scrub it near as quick, if at all. And the mainstream media will downplay the Farrakhan connection because it doesn't fit their "woke" agenda.
  15. This. But it won't be. It doesn't benefit the media's agenda. Facebook has already scrubbed anything related to this guy. You think that happens if he was a white republican?
  16. This is every dump truck and gravel truck driver ever. Yes, they are too stoopid.
  17. Just want to say thanks to the op for aligning Chakra with Marquette.
  18. Would have been a happier ending if the plane had crashed into the boat.
  19. Yep. Sadly I'm afraid this is the norm in Texas school districts.
  20. I think he looks more like a cross between John Lennon and Weird Al.
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