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Fuck Tim Beck

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Everything posted by Fuck Tim Beck

  1. No creativity in Hollywood. Same old bullshit. Just recast old shit with women who are terrible actors to begin with. I feel bad for Adam Goldberg being dragged into this. Maybe he needed the money. The asian that plays his wife is pretty hot tho.
  2. Unlike JPP's hand, I don't see this thread blowing up
  3. Like sands through the hourglass..... http://www.shaggytexas.com/board/showthread.php/5133-The-Gidget-Deposition 1st hit when you google Gidget deposition. Some real gold in here.
  4. They open the slots at 12:01am Tuesday mornings. I was up at 11:55pm last night hitting refesh until the calendar came up.
  5. Thanks for the info. Getting my 1st shot in Temple tomorrow
  6. Pure speculation on my part, but I'm betting Andy told Britt to not be caught violating covid protocols (especially leading up to the Superbowl). Hence he was drinking at the stadium.
  7. And the refs still don't suck as bad as this half time show will
  8. Queen latifa on a crotch rocket? That poor suspension
  9. Of course that bitch ref is gonna call it. She thinks brady is dreamy
  10. KC is really missing Britt Reids coaching here.
  11. Lol. Ok guys, dribble around then fumble it out of bounds
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