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Fuck Tim Beck

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Everything posted by Fuck Tim Beck

  1. So she got extra credit because she sent the scat pic, right?
  2. Interesting that when the police have an assault rifle its called a police rifle.
  3. Yes. And he parks a tank on the street in front of his house. I don't follow the NFL much, and damn sure not the Texans, but might McNair be drumming this up as leverage? As in "don't sit out and this all goes away"? He does seem like just the moron to try this.
  4. This is what South Austin's mom calls breakfast.
  5. What a cunt. Then again she always has been.
  6. I thought that was a different female. Aka sugar tits.
  7. But both sexual misconducts cancel each other out right? Either that or a real live jayhawk will get molested.
  8. Didn't oprah pay them 7 mil for this interview? And Oprah playing the race card? I'm shocked. Shocked I tell you.
  9. I say this way too often now days, but Idiocracy wasn't a comedy, it was a documentary.
  10. And it still won't suck up as much wood as South Austin's mom.
  11. I hope he gets lost in the wrong part of town.
  12. I check the Temple and Killeen stores at least once a week. I have a feeling alot of the ammo purchased at Academy ends up on Texas Gun Trader and the like.
  13. State Farm has gone to shit since replacing the original Jake with a more "diverse" one.
  14. All gas no brakes! Tiger obviously got his mother's driving skills
  15. Cow tipping with your car seems like a bad idea
  16. Winner wasn't hamlin, Kyle busch, or either dillon. Ill take it
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