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Fuck Tim Beck

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Everything posted by Fuck Tim Beck

  1. Carnivore, Echelon, Prism, and on and on and on.
  2. Only way to add any more legitimacy to this is to say you typed it from the port a potty.
  3. The signs were there. He told his neighbors he was going downtown to get bombed.
  4. Women romancin each other? Obviously waiting for CUM
  5. ^^ TEA is at least as useless as politicians. If not more so. And TEA is still working from home. Fuck them.
  6. Is GT still limiting ammo purchases to once a month? I haven't been by since Thanksgiving break so I guess its time to go back regardless.
  7. The fact that toby keith is in the hall of fame is way more sad than people eating Christmas dinner at Hooters.
  8. Vic didn't tell us his girlfriend got to meet a celebrity. Pretty cool.
  9. So you're at South Austin's moms house?
  10. So did Nicole's nudes drop us down to 3 or move us up to 3?
  11. This is absolutely true. When I worked for the nbc affiliate in Waco years ago, I would have to deal with him from time to time because I had media credentials for games. He denied my interview request for DJ his first game because I "was from waco and didn't cover the team on a daily basis". It didn't matter to him that DJ was from waco. Fuck bianco
  12. So Disney has Tom Herman'd the SW franchise. Good to know. Episode I was the last one I bothered with because why they gotta fuck with people's childhoods?
  13. Scares you to death. Why just today I ate lunch.
  14. Too soon csb/ I had media credentials for that game. Got there 3 hours early. When the team got there Major asked me what time it was. Ol freak nasty barked at me to get out of the hallway. Chatted with Roger Clemens. Jack Arute's gf was hot. I literally bumped into Gary Barnett in some tunnel after his press conference.
  15. Refs protecting atm. SEC! need another team in the playoff
  16. Why was Helen Keller's leg yellow? Her dog was blind too
  17. Just saw a McRib commercial. Brian Cox is the voiceover. This must be a sign of some sort.
  18. JTuck! Fuck you mayfield you cocksucker
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