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conVINCEd last won the day on February 5 2023

conVINCEd had the most liked content!


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  1. Not the Titanic song? Missed a chance for a little friendly jab at the Brits.
  2. Dad played basketball at Baylor. Maybe it’s that simple.
  3. They're budget, lol They ain’t budget to my semi-frequent destinations.
  4. Peter Lugar: NYC steak places Salt Lick: Texas bbq
  5. They are pretty picky about where you are allowed/not allowed to take the car.
  6. Pretty sure they aren’t playing in Athens.
  7. I don’t use exact measurements. Spicy brown mustard, a little teriyaki, and a dab of honey, then add mayo until it tastes right. I keep a squeeze bottle of it in the fridge.
  8. Anybody catch the hauk tuah from the crowd after one of the tee shots late in the day? It’s an improvement from mashed potatoes.
  9. conVINCEd


  10. Lots of places make a better cheesesteak than Texadelphia. Making your own mustard blend sauce will set you free.
  11. Prison shankings would bring in more viewers.
  12. Chuy’s has always sucked. How is it possible that this restaurant group specializing in warmed over dogshit also runs Eddie V’s?
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