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Everything posted by TxTower

  1. High praise coming from you. Have to say I’m a fan of the OO BiB. A lot of spice. Great for an Old Fashioned.
  2. Normally use Sazarac Rye but decided to change things up tonight.
  3. I’ve had two friends (both over 50) come down with shingles in the last few years.
  4. State run liquor stores are a whole different animal than normal retail.
  5. At least no one got shanked. It’s not like it’s a chicken sandwich or anything..,
  6. Oh not recently Clark. Eddie read that Squirrels were high in cholesterol.
  7. It’s the gift that keeps on giving all year long Clark. That it is Edward.
  8. If you don’t mind Clark I’d like to fumigate this here chair. It’s a quality item.
  9. Is there anything else I can do for you Uncle Lewis?
  10. Coffee in France is what got me hooked. For now I make mine w Peet’s FR beans in a burr grinder and a Chemex. Pretty good but not the same. I’m fairly sure it’s not just the coffee and the grind but mostly the method. If someone ever solves the mystery, I’m all all in.
  11. Specs in Dallas had them a few days ago.
  12. On the rye list. Budum dum Tshh! I still need to try it BTW. Does OF even make more than one rye at this point?
  13. I’ll give you three bottles of Crown Peach and a couple handles of Jack for the lot. Do we have a deal?
  14. In Nashville for Turkey Day and picked up a Buffalo Trace Single Barrel store pick. Have really been enjoying it. Best BT bottle I’ve had to date.
  15. This pretty much sums it up. The wife and I each had one yesterday. Didnt have to wait in line and didn’t have to kill a bitch. Really good sandwich for fast food but CFA is still a nicer dining atmosphere overall.
  16. The Blantons drop was in DFW. Also saw some Eagle Rare. Happy now?
  17. Well it’s the Holidays and the Tater’s and their mother in-laws are out in full force. Case in point, went to my local establishment and some lady was asking the store manager about this “special bourbon - Blanton’s maybe ?” That she needed for the holidays. Manager says he has some in back that just came in but only one bottle limit. She says yes please and the manager goes to get it. She then calls her Son-in-law to tell him to come get a bottle. She takes one bottle and then stands guard over another bottle for SIL while he presumably breaks all kinds of traffic laws getting there. It’s getting pretty freaking ridiculous out there.
  18. Well they finally caught the Popeye’s Chicken Sandwich Killer so we can all rest a little easier tonight.
  19. Y’all are some off topic MoFo’s. Makes me want to stab a bitch!
  20. Finally found some. Going to give it a try to see what all the fuss (and hoarding) is about.
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