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Pam Cummings

Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Pam Cummings

  1. Why are you so obsessed with that quote? I clarified what I was saying with real data. Not my fault you refuse to accept it and move on. Furthermore, Dallas in wins last year rushed for 118 ypg. In losses they rushed for 104 ypg. That is majorly propped up by 180 rush yards in the Cardinals loss. Tony Pollard rushed for 1005 yards on 252 attempts. He was good for 12th in the NFL. So....all that bullshit just for me to tell you that yeah, they were in the upper-middle of the league in rushing last year.
  2. Dallas beat up on a bunch of shitty teams. The data suggests the Cowboys lose lots of games when they don't run the ball well with Dak. This is indisputable. You have nothing on your side other than last years record. But feel free to keep smearing shit all over your face.
  3. With Dak Cowboys record when they have 30+ rush attempts: 53-7 Cowboys record when they have less than 30 rush attempts: 20-34 Cowboys record when they have a guy rush for 100+ yards: 64-17 Cowboys record when they don't have a rusher over 100 yards: 9-24 These are indisputable facts. They do not care about your feelings. So instead of resorting to insults, how about you do better.
  4. Dak throwing multiple first half picks and a pick 6 against a mid GB defense is the coaches fault? Not buying. Everyone failed. Including Dak. Also lol at that Mahomes take. Patrick Mahomes can win anywhere because he's a bad ass motherfucker. He makes everything around him better. He raises everybody's level. Before him, the Chiefs were a cute little team that couldn't win in the playoffs because their QB had a BB gun arm and couldn't score in the red zone. Andy Reid was a "choker". Now he's one of the greatest coaches ever and Mahomes would be nothing without him. Give me a break.
  5. Why is the coaching good enough for Dak to win 12 games but not a playoff game? Why is it that Dak gets sole credit for any good he does but all the bad stuff gets blamed on coaching? That's kind of always where I land on it. Like OK, I agree the coaching isn't great. But someone has to get credit for winning 12 games and I don't remember Dak lighting up the win column each season before he had this current coaching staff.
  6. Unless he has $16bn and some serious kompromat on Jerruh, not interested.
  7. Baker has twice as many playoff wins and is younger than Kirk. Also, he isn't coming off of an injury that has been devastating for humans and their athletic endeavors since the Trojan War.
  8. Definitely a funky layout. I picked Homa to win, feels like he does well with these types of courses.
  9. Uh oh. My wallet is down this morning. We might be entering the "dump" phase of this cycle.
  10. That's the thing that pisses me off the most, is the sterile, bullshit, fake ass, no-real-questions "press appearances" this guy does. Absolute bullshit. Never ever gets called out or questioned by a real reporter.
  11. Matt Stafford can win games without a proper running game. Dak's record without a legit running game is abysmal. Not to mention the accuracy and arm angles that Stafford regularly displays. They just aren't near the same level.
  12. Here's a crazy idea. Flagrantly attempting to destroy the rights and institutions of this country that were earned through bloodshed and major sacrifice should mean you no longer are protected by those rights and institutions.
  13. Tang just has the look of an absolute scumbag. Kind of wanted to poach after the Beard fiasco. No mas.
  14. Watching Jokic just own the Warriors and Draymond is so satisfying.
  15. This is where I am. Bought eth, bitcoin, cardano, a couple of others. Spent about $300. It was middle of the pandemic in 2020. Bitcoin was I think peaking at $60k and all the crypto bros were saying it's definitely getting to $100k by end of year. My shit went up and peaked at around $700 I think. Then everything declined and was stagnant for like 3 years. Every time I checked(maybe once a month) it would be between $300-$400. Now it is at $800 and still going up. What I have learned here is that it takes about 3-4 years for the public to forget what happened last time and to start pumping it up again. Election year probably doesn't hurt.
  16. Yeah. Coached by a guy named Pop Warner.
  17. He went to Carlisle. An early football powerhouse.
  18. All of this because a dude can't just come out of the closet.
  19. It really doesn't help the credibility of crypto people when every time I see someone pushing it or defending it they have some stupid ass username like cum rocket. Like what the hell man. Nobody is gonna take you seriously. "To the moon, baby! Cum rocket told me so!"
  20. I've yet to see this yak, does she at least have a nice rack?
  21. Smh. The one place where Dak is undefeated and in GOAT territory is his bank account. They fucked with the wrong one.
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