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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 4th&Five

  1. Don’t love the decision or play call.
  2. Lawerence is turning to shit. Turnover machine.
  3. My mil texted my wife and asked to FaceTime last night. My wife told her that she and both girls are on day 3 of Covid and maybe they’ll feel better to FT on Xmas. Her exact reply to hearing her daughter and grandchildren feel like ass: 😜😃😳
  4. The new app update is shit. They got rid of the +-15 second buttons among other things. I may be canceling soon if they don’t fix it.
  5. Good for the lions. I thought Campbell would be a disaster there.
  6. Do you mean $40 for 4 months of red zone?
  7. Happy Festivus you anti-dentite bastards!
  8. You don't need glasses. You're just weak. You're weak!
  9. We had a big group for the last sugar bowl and ended up at Lafitte’s for midnight. Plenty of room in the courtyard. The walk back to the Roosevelt was a crowded mess though.
  10. They hired the SMU OC, so the Malzahn tree. A bit of a weird fit, imo.
  11. Breaking Bad and The Wire are easily my top 2. Unpopular probably but I’m not sure The Sopranos makes my top 5.
  12. That douche took a taxpayer funded trip to NYC to take a selfie with a fast food sign? What a little bitch.
  13. People go to South America. Yeah, and they come back with things taped to their large intestine.
  14. I wish I had the ability to ignore all this shit. I'd probably be happier, honestly.
  15. 79 year old Robert De Niro has a 6 month old baby.
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