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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by 4th&Five

  1. Holy shit…what a play by Lil Jordan!
  2. Definitely. Bitch slap SF last week and looking great so far today.
  3. I was next to one in Bee Caves the other day at a light and literally laughed about how stupid it looks in person. It’s by far the dumbest looking car I’ve seen.
  4. His history with the Chargers and Herbert seems like the easy choice. Strange timing though. He really is a nut job.
  5. It won’t really matter. Neither team is winning more than one playoff game.
  6. There’s no way they practiced that play as much as they did and he would forget to report.
  7. All he had to do was kick a fg in the first half.
  8. Hilarious coaching decisions by both teams. I can’t imagine either getting to the SB.
  9. How many times are they going to run on third and short and get stuffed?
  10. What the fuck is wrong with him? Such a weirdo.
  11. Both teams doing stupid shit.
  12. What was their defensive rank last year going into TCU? Or the year before going into UGA? They’re gonna have to prove it outside of the B10 before I believe it.
  13. You could have saved time and just posted “Trump 2024.”
  14. Where are you? S. Austin store had plenty of UT gear this morning. Very small aggy section.
  15. Pedo has already given up their season average for yards allowed but yeah, B10 defenses are great!
  16. Do they have a really good defense or are they just playing B10 offenses? I think OM wins by at least 2 scores.
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