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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dnaguy

  1. This. While inflation is receding, the past 2 years of it has resulted in that 30% higher grocery bill. People know this, feel this, don’t like this. Running on a ‘strong economy’ when people see higher prices (even if they aren’t ’getting Any higher’) is not the answer. And republicans will point to that, offer vague solutions around the theme of ‘freedom’, talk about lower taxes, and people will eat it up. Dems need to talk about the higher prices. Like you said, hammer corporations , and at least try some line of attacks outside of just saying inflation is down. Frame republicans as looking backwards (they are btw). ’Republicans talk about higher prices. And they’re right. They’re 30% higher. But you don’t have those come down with lower taxes. It’s the same old lie they told us 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 30 years ago. But what I (Joe Biden) want is for you to make more. We see it in auto with the latest contract. We see it in wage growth. Is it enough? No. But I want it to be more. Repubs want to trickle down to you. How has that worked for the past 30 years. I want the construction worker to make more $ and his CEO to make less because his company can’t buy back his stock at all time high price. I want the wages for the Mc Donald’s worker to be $15, 16, $17 an hr so they can afford to feed themselves. I want that food to be safe. I want you to have dignity, pride in your work, and dominion over your own body. If you want the same failed policies of the last 30 years, keep voting Republican. It’s me, at 80 years old that is thinking of a better future. My junior 78 year old running mate is thinking of himself and the past. Make america great again? Hell, America hasnt even scratched the surface of its potential. For 250 years we’ve only been using a quarter to half of our people and potential and we went to the moon. What is in store for us when we make sure people aren’t hungry? When we truly educate all our children? When we don’t have to worry about an illness bankrupting us? What happens when every person’s potential is released. That’s the future I’m fighting for.
  2. At least they won't be boomers. That will take the complaining down by at least 25%.
  3. True. Abortion, 10/7, subsequent Gaza war, and Sleepy Joe trailing Trump had really made my The Daily consumption a fun commute listen
  4. Stupid / novice question…. Are bullets considered arms? Lets do what Chris rock said and tax the ever living fuck out of bullets or make buying bullets require a license that would require a Super extensive background check. Don’t infringe on a persons right to make their bullets. You can make as many as you want. But buying premade, bullets would require your very cumbersome license or action to make bullets. Get creative.
  5. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/14/podcasts/the-daily/texas-abortion-ban.html?smid=url-share I suggest everyone listen to The Daily podcast today.
  6. If it wasn't around at the time of the founding, and there isn't a constitutional amendment strictly allowing or forbidding it, and it infringers on a state's rights OR someone's sincere religious beliefs...... Isn't anything game now? Also
  7. There is no bottom for the GOP. There is no hyperbole when discussing their outcomes. The GOP will do anything to hold onto power and will burn it all down if they have to. There is no outcome in which the USA survives as true pluralistic representative democracy for all races, genders, religions, and peoples AND the GOP survives. One has to die for the other to reign. My hope is on one. But my brain tells me it's likely the other.
  8. Dnaguy

    Surly wallet check

    Don't be an asshole. And after your little addition, I'll bet it'll get revised and pushed out with version #2. No need to go rooting around here looking for trouble.
  9. Remember those Chappell show skits, 'When keeping it real goes wrong" ? I feel like this is one of those situations in which you could do something like that with 'When cowboy engineering goes wrong". I just love that there was no adult in the room here. I imagine it went down something like this: - Is it too big to move? Yes. - What can we do? Well I have dynamite. We can blow it up. - Cool. How much do we need? 🤷‍♂️ - Could anyone get hurt? Not if we move them back away from the explosion. - How far The dunes. That seems about right - Are you sure that's far enough? 🤷‍♂️ - Let'er rip! Oh and make sure we film this shit.
  10. Sloths can swim. My kids taught me that. I googled it… and BBC had it in their planet earth series.
  11. I bet that smells fantastic.
  12. Death, taxes, Trump not testifying.
  13. Someone should dedicate a public toilet to his memory. "In memory of George Santos. A man so full of shit ...much like this toilet."
  14. https://www.linkedin.com/in/michelle-haas-cbp?utm_source=share&utm_campaign=share_via&utm_content=profile&utm_medium=ios_app
  15. Glass houses I guess. It was nice knowing you guys. It's off to 8chan for me.....
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