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Certifiably Surly
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Everything posted by Dnaguy

  1. "The whole system is out of order!"
  2. It's only unconstitutional if Roberts decides it is and his buddy Kavanaugh follows daddy in his decision. That is where we are now.
  3. I buried my face in the phone.
  4. It took me 5 times looking at this to see the duck. whoops
  5. Are we sure she wasn’t the person fucking someone in the ass in the capital building?
  6. It’s almost as sad as being fat with a small dick and being good at going down on chicks. Almost as sad. i know b/c of a friend. But this is Surly so that wouldn’t apply to any of us swinging dicks here.
  7. Oh yeah. I forgot. This is Surly and we only bang 11's.
  8. Sure. Keep telling yourself that. This is liberal masturbation. Trump is a feeling. An id. He is MAGA. MAGA is him. He's a mascot of an aggrieved racist white voter who's looking for simple solutions to complex problems in an ever-changing world that they can't make sense of. He's the embodiment of the veneer that his followers believe success is / America is. What he says doesn't matter. What he represents does.
  9. See that arm action? I bet she has a decent hj game. You also know she has an oral affliction so ..... yeah. All else fails, just hit it from behind .
  10. There's a Katrina refugee joke in here ...... I just don't have it quite formed......
  11. What pun. I was just pontificating on the state of their search.
  12. Which one of you assholes who cut your teeth tracking coaches' flights on Flightware joined the Houthies?! Use your powers for good dammit!
  13. I hope he can get behind what they're trying to build there at JMU. Not limiting himself to a catholic university will help him reach out and touch a lot more young men. I think this is a stroke of genius on JMU's part. They shot their shot and got their man.
  14. Ah. makes sense considering he’s a slime ball
  15. This. While inflation is receding, the past 2 years of it has resulted in that 30% higher grocery bill. People know this, feel this, don’t like this. Running on a ‘strong economy’ when people see higher prices (even if they aren’t ’getting Any higher’) is not the answer. And republicans will point to that, offer vague solutions around the theme of ‘freedom’, talk about lower taxes, and people will eat it up. Dems need to talk about the higher prices. Like you said, hammer corporations , and at least try some line of attacks outside of just saying inflation is down. Frame republicans as looking backwards (they are btw). ’Republicans talk about higher prices. And they’re right. They’re 30% higher. But you don’t have those come down with lower taxes. It’s the same old lie they told us 5 years ago, 10 years ago, 30 years ago. But what I (Joe Biden) want is for you to make more. We see it in auto with the latest contract. We see it in wage growth. Is it enough? No. But I want it to be more. Repubs want to trickle down to you. How has that worked for the past 30 years. I want the construction worker to make more $ and his CEO to make less because his company can’t buy back his stock at all time high price. I want the wages for the Mc Donald’s worker to be $15, 16, $17 an hr so they can afford to feed themselves. I want that food to be safe. I want you to have dignity, pride in your work, and dominion over your own body. If you want the same failed policies of the last 30 years, keep voting Republican. It’s me, at 80 years old that is thinking of a better future. My junior 78 year old running mate is thinking of himself and the past. Make america great again? Hell, America hasnt even scratched the surface of its potential. For 250 years we’ve only been using a quarter to half of our people and potential and we went to the moon. What is in store for us when we make sure people aren’t hungry? When we truly educate all our children? When we don’t have to worry about an illness bankrupting us? What happens when every person’s potential is released. That’s the future I’m fighting for.
  16. At least they won't be boomers. That will take the complaining down by at least 25%.
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