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Posts posted by wildcat09

  1. 9 minutes ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    The problem was the trade deficit. Which keeps growing by billions each year. You don’t like his method, but simply ignoring it was not the proper response. (See illegal immigration and ss# reform also). 

    Its ok to take a look at the issue with out the Trump rage. 

    What about the trade deficit is bad?

  2. Just now, ChickenSandwich said:

    Showing a picture ID is evil. That’s why you don’t have to do it anywhere else. 

    It’s great that you classify a whole group of people as too incompetent to obtain an ID. Give them out free. But the adults can see this fear mongering talking points for what they are, a quest to let non eligiblle votes pass. Nothing more. 

    Except none of the voter ID laws give the IDs out for free, and are specifically designed to permit IDs that white people are more likely to have than black or minority people. Fix those problems and get back to us.

    Oh, and get back to us when you find more in-person fraudulent Dem votes than we've already found in-person fraudulent Trump votes.

  3. 24 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    Its testimony given under oath.


    Now, written, pre-packaged testimony can absolutely be coordinated with your other buddies. It is NOT the product of real cross-examination.


    And...here’s the big thing: testimony does not PROVE anything. It is evidence, which a finder of fact can decide is credible or bullshit. Which is considered in light of other evidence.


    For example, one of these folks may testify “I wasn’t at Trump Tower that day.” To Sheeit and Trumpkins, that PROVES that she wasn’t there. But...there’s a photo of her in the Trump Tower lobby that day. So, as the finder of fact, tell me: was she there, or not? She says no, the photo says yes.


    If you believe the photo, then you necessarily conclude that she was lying. This happens. It happens a lot. Like, all the time. Folks lie, not knowing that there’s other evidence out there that will bust them.


    So, what we know is that several folks who have a mutual interest in explaining away the meeting tried to do so via written statements under oath that have not been subjected to cross-examination or counter-evidence from objective/third party sources. In short, we know what these people have said. That’s it.

    We also know that they were coordinating their story in June 2017:


  4. 3 minutes ago, Mojo Hand said:

    Yes, three prisoners that wiped the slate clean after their murder of Otto Warmbier.  There were 11 prisoners released under Obama.   Dennis Rodman got prisoners released.   It's always nice to get Americans back, but it wasn't some unprecedented coup.   The unprecedented coup was for Kim in getting the president of the United States to call him honorable and to praise how well he takes care of our prisoners, just months after he tortured one of our citizens to death.

    How about international embarrassment?  Did Charlie Brown give up any of his pride every time he ran for Lucy's football?    We could have cautiously moved towards talks.   Instead Trump has been celebrating the deal and how he deserves the Nobel prize for it, before there was even a sit down.   There's a cost to the world knowing that our president is a fool. 

    And that's just if the talks are off.  If Trump actually modifies or cancels our military plans to save his pride, Kim's going to get a whole lot more. 

    Hopefully this is just a hiccup and Kim blinks and Trump shows us what an amazing negotiator he actually is.   But this is playing out in a predictable way so far. 

    Trump is the worst negotiator in the world. This will not end well for us.

    • Like 1
  5. 3 minutes ago, shnsajax said:

    I'm not so sure on Ivanka either. She seems solid most of the time, but has some shady dealings as well within her businesses, and the Kushner family is also a piece of shit.

    She's got business ties to the Iranian revolutionary guard and has defrauded condo buyers, then avoided a criminal indictment by bribing a district attorney. Fuck her.

    • Like 2
  6. 3 minutes ago, Mole said:

    I'd define evangelicals by certain theological positions, although obviously there are now certain political implications.

    Maybe I'm unclear on who "people like that" are. Outside of the ones advocating for ID in the classroom, which is a small subset of "people like that," what does it matter? Do you hold a similar disdain for people who refuse to use the Oxford comma?

    I certainly do.

    • Like 2
  7. Just now, gsoda3 said:

    i'm a YEC.  i believe the universe was literally created as the Bible said and as Jesus affirmed.  i believe just as God created adam in his mature adult form, the universe/earth was also created in its mature form.  looking at it from a scientific perspective the earth and universe will look hundreds of millions and billions of years old.  for me it comes down to whose authority i'm choosing to believe.  

    So what's the consensus/majority/plurality view of YECs to explain things like the fossil record?  

  8. 8 hours ago, Rex Kramer said:

    I’ve probably attended 10 churches in my life and have been member of 5. Never once have I ever heard it addressed and all of my friends went with me or to a similar church. Literally nobody held this belief. Everyone accepted evolution. It’s not a “plank” of the Texas GOP. 

    This is like that old story about the lady who was befuddled when Nixon won because she didn't know anybody who voted for Nixon. Per a recent poll, 57% of evangelical protestants believe man has always existed in its present form. It's not like they're some small and insignificant minority.

  9. 32 minutes ago, Anastasis said:

    It he's going to flee anywhere it's probably Israel. 

    That may be his plan until he actually sees what Israelis look like. Way too swarthy for him.

    • Like 1
  10. 5 hours ago, Jhawk said:

    The rockets have harden who has that potential and the have Chris Paul who doesn’t show that ability in the playoffs and has actually been on the other end of the spectrum in choking away series. 

    This is so hilariously stupid considering what Paul did in his most recent playoff game.

  11. 54 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    I think this is telling. Because your value system is different, you mock and deride someone else’s legitimate beliefs and how they inform behavior. If the Mike Pence haters who engage in ugliness were disagreed with, with even half the derision of “moronic and deserves to be mocked” then you’d never hear the end of discrimination and horrible injustice. Think of the situations the left supports and input that kind of language in opposition of those (like Pence’s, too) legitimate beliefs and values and you see what I mean.

    This idea that those on the right don't mock us on the left is hilarious nonsense. They do it all the time. You just don't see it here as much because their mocking is extremely stupid "durrrr it's cold in December how can libruls believe in global warming hahaha!" nonsense and they're too embarrassed to drop that shit except among themselves.

  12. Sack, would you support a jobs guarantee? Surely, if every able-bodied person must work for food and shelter, then we have to ensure that every able-bodied person has the opportunity to work, right?

  13. 1 hour ago, Mole said:

    Wildcat called them "pieces of shit" and evil. When I likened this to the Baptist preacher creating an enemy, you referred to me as "some dickeater ruining the discussion." Strawman, right.

    I didn’t call all of em evil pieces of shit, just roughly 70% of white evangelicals.

    • Haha 1
  14. 3 minutes ago, XR4ticlone said:

    I wouldn't say that...but regardless of all of Trump's personal shortcomings...what are we supposed to do?   Sit quietly for the next 3 years?   Trump's doing a lot of positive things...we can't support that because he's a man whore?  

    Don't really care.  Not going to throw away the next three years to undo all of Obama's fuckups. 

    Oh you poor thing, you think he's actually doing good things for you. It must be rough, being so traumatized by the thought of a black president that Trump seems good in any way.

  15. 5 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    I doubt it’s that tall.

    Although “I hate narcissists so I support Trump” is a humorous bit of cognitive dissonance, which matches up perfectly with the thread topic.

    It’s ok for racist white men to be narcissists. Hell, it’s encouraged!

  16. 20 minutes ago, XR4ticlone said:

    Sorry I'm late to the party...cross burning's ran long again tonight.  No matter how many times you remind them, these new ass holes never bring enough gas.  

    Anyway...yea, when given the choice of the second coming of Mother Teresa in Hillary Clinton...we all chose the devil himself.  I think that was her biggest problem was spending so much time at church and feeding the hungry...not out campaigning.  I know the Haitians can't stop talking about the Clinton's generosity...until they suicide themselves.  

    So I see where you're coming from...the morality divide between our two choices was so stark...how could any Christian pick Trump? 


    Why do 70% of white evangelicals prefer him to any other republican?

  17. Ah, yes, the felon's failson who somehow fucked up investing in Manhattan real estate and engineered a coup in Saudi Arabia in exchange for a bailout is going to be the one to resolve all of the conflicts in the middle east.

  18. 44 minutes ago, Bevo VIII said:

    She’s been very impressive in all these hearings but I don’t know if she’s ready for that stage just yet.

    Trump is President. Literally anyone is more ready than him.

    • Like 2
  19. Just now, Mole said:

    Rage on with your culture war.

    How are decent people supposed to react when confronted with evil? Tolerate it?

    I'm agnostic but have no problem with anyone who uses religion to improve themselves. In other words, if it helps you live a happier life and treat others better, that's great. If your faith motivates you to give to charity, to feed the hungry, etc., that's great, and I don't really care if a part of your motivation is a belief that you will be rewarded by a greater being in an afterlife. If your faith helps you cope with the loss of a loved one, fantastic, I'm glad it works for you.

    However, if your faith is merely justification for cruelty, then fuck you. No group of believers can claim not to have some of those types within their groups, but no group is dominated by cruelty like white evangelicals (particularly their southern branches). The fact that they take any disagreement with them as somehow equivalent to throwing them to the lions is annoying as hell too, but most manage to somehow make that one of their less awful qualities.

    • Like 1
  20. 10 minutes ago, JimmyHoffa said:


    This is a great analogy. We do a hell of a fine job in this country of lumping shitty people in with others "like them" when in most cases they are the exception to the rule just happen to be the most vocal. 

    Except that it's not the exceptions when we're discussing white evangelicals that makes them look bad. Here's an old blog post based on a poll of support for torture among religious groups (it's from 2009 so the link to the poll itself no longer works, but the results are included in the post):

    • 62 percent of white evangelical Protestants said torture of a suspect could be often or sometimes justified.
    • 51 percent of white, non-Hispanic Catholics said torture could be justified.
    • 46 percent of white mainline Protestants were willing to justify torture.
    • 40 percent of the religiously unaffiliated chimed in to agree to justify torture.

    62% of white evangelical protestants in 2009 supported torture. I doubt that number has gone down. I tried to find some polling on the new policy of separating immigrant children from their parents, but couldn't find any. But does anyone think there are any religious or non-religious groups in America that support this policy more strongly than white evangelicals? 

    I posted a poll on page 1 showing that 69% of white evangelicals would prefer Donald Trump to another Republican candidate. Meaning that they prefer Trump to another candidate that would most likely be essentially the same on abortion, contraception, sex education, etc. Why then, do nearly 7 in 10 white evangelicals prefer Trump to a presumably more Christian person who would have the same positions on the policies that they pretend (sometimes even to themselves) motivate them? It's his cruelty against those they deem to be the "other." 65-70% of white evangelicals are stupid, resentful, viciously cruel pieces of shit. The good ones are the exception.

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