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Posts posted by wildcat09

  1. 8 hours ago, Catdaddyhorn said:

    Matthew Yglesias and his over heliumed built ass provided a really insightful and interesting analysis on conservative media. 



    Now that's really funny.

    Edit: how the hell am I already out of rep for the day?

  2. 26 minutes ago, cactusflinthead said:


    Voters in Florida received the robocall on Tuesday, and HuffPost obtained audio of the recording. Speaking in an exaggerated minstrel dialect, an actor pretends to be Gillum, saying: “Well hello there. I is the Negro Andrew Gillum, and I be asking you to make me governor of this here state of Florida.”

    I'm pretty sure that same call was going around a few months ago too.

  3. 37 minutes ago, Incredulity said:

    an entitlement.

    Medicare Part A, what everyone is refering to when they discuss Medicare, is premium free.

    Except for that portion of FICA taxes that goes towards Medicare.

  4. 7 minutes ago, Johnny Sack said:

    Dems had all three branches plus a filibuster proof senate.  

    And gave us the piece of shit ACA.  Which absolutely butt fucks the middle class

    Serious question, what income range would you yourself classify as middle class?

  5. 24 minutes ago, Longhorn_Fan68 said:

    so, we're all (well, save the few that already posted about it) just gonna gloss over the fact that the President, of these United States, called himself a nationalist? I'm sure Fox and his pr team will say he used the wrong word. I don't think he did. I think he knew exactly what word to use, and he meant it when he said it. Anyone defending this guy now is truly a traitor. No other way to put it.

    No, Fox's line would absolutely be "what's wrong with being a nationalist?"

  6. Just now, workswithseed said:

    My neg really got to you. Yeah, nothing was found. Do you think all people are guilty until proven otherwise? Why did the democrats wait so long to tell anyone about this? 

    That's been answered a thousand times. If you don't know the answer by now, you're clearly not interested in it.

    • Like 2
  7. Just now, Hank Kingsley said:

    Heard about this sign yesterday. Check my Instagram today, and a girl I went to middle and high school with paid $5,000 for this banner. Holy shit.  


    We were good friends and went to 1 or 2 HS dances together, though I've only run into her 2-3 times over the last 20 years  My wife was supposed to go to a concert recently with her and bunch of other girls. The rest of them are liberal and HUGE Beto supporters.  On Instagram her post said that it's $500 per hour to fly the banner and she is asking for donations to "support capitalism" because "Beto and Socialism SUX!".  Sent a few texts around to mutual friends and everyone is horrified. 

     Oh, and she's an Aggie. Shocking, I know. 



    Rules, you asshole.

    • Haha 1
  8. 27 minutes ago, GSU&UT said:

    I mean this isn't shocking or going to hurt him at all, but we all know these pieces of shit can't win if every citizen of 18 voted.


    I'm really hoping this isn't the Abrams camp's planned October surprise, because there's no way it remotely moves the needle with any white voters on the fence. At this point, white voters on the fence are those who are more supportive of Dem policy objectives but sympathize with the "racial anxieties" of the right, who are scared that they're no longer the majority. Kemp stating that they're no longer the majority isn't going to make him look worse in their eyes, that's the whole reason they're considering voting for him.

  9. Just now, Celery Man said:


    priming the pump for blaming democrats for the economic downturn is one of the smartest things they're doing.  can still blame the democrats if they don't win power, and if they do win democrats will never be able to explain that the inevitable downturn has nothing to do with them in a soundbite that is dumb enough for the adequately represented portions of our country to understand

    Same thing they did under Bush. They destroyed the global economy and then blamed it all on the new black guy who'd been in office for five minutes.

  10. 9 minutes ago, Brisketexan said:

    If they’re like most of the Central Americans I have encountered here in the past decade or so, our border doesn’t have a chance under such an assault. Whether we like it or not, our border will be cleaned till spotless, then mowed and edged, and we’ll just have to watch helplessly while it happens.


    Fuck you. I like it when my yard looks like an unkempt jungle. BUILD THE WALL I SAY!

  11. 6 minutes ago, bad_teammate said:

    Also Side B, "Ignore Side A talking about killing everyone, it's a distraction from the REAL ISSUES!"

    Well a poll said Side B had a marginal advantage on healthcare, so obviously it's stupid to talk about anything else people would definitely care about, like rampant corruption.

  12. 16 minutes ago, ChickenSandwich said:

    How Beautifully silent the Hugo echo chamber that is this board has been with a mass of 7000 (Santa Anna only took 6K to the Alamo so I guess they learned ) invaders set to wage an assault on our southern border. 

    Just shocking I tell you

    Millions of foreigners enter America every year. It doesn't bother us.

  13. 3 hours ago, MixtyMotions said:

    I think we should find a place for them.   Some place safe from the gangs. How does Chad sound?  Or Cameroon?  Maybe Bangladesh?

    Ah yes, champion of spraying Brown people with fire houses supports sending Brown people to country more prone to flooding than probably any other on the planet.

    This is why Tahoe is the king of trolling.

  14. 9 minutes ago, OatmealRaisinCookie said:

    But I thought Chuckie said "this happens every year, nothing to see here" (and I googled it and saw a bunch of news about The Great Migration 2018 but nothing about previous years and spent a bit more than 30 seconds doing it).

    To give an honest answer to your question, I'm not sure what can be done legally to avert this sort of behavior. It strikes me, a layman and not a politician or anyone with extensive research work in migration patterns/studies, that America has over time enabled a moral hazard and that is why we are the target (as opposed to those with firm and strict immigration laws, such as the hypocritical Canada for example) for migratory hordes of people. 

    My feeling is that we are a bipolar nation. 50% of us loves one thing and 50% of us doesn't. Immigration is no different and while you have a ton of people who love the idea of migratory hordes of folks, you have a ton who don't. I don't know exactly where I fall, because I wrestle with competing thoughts and feelings about immigration as I mentioned before. I could give you a kneejerk emotional response, but that response would be different based on my mood. I think as a nation we'd be best served to admit this is a complex and problematic issue that a lot of people have mixed minds about and we should approach immigration reform with thoughtfulness.

    Why try and put words in my mouth when I answered directly like 20 posts ago?

    It literally happened last year.

  15. 9 hours ago, NameWithHeld said:

    You can’t seriously believe that.  

    It’s actually very easy to believe. Khashoggi was investigating the financial investments the Saudis had made in Trump. It’s entirely believable that the Saudis secretly indicated to Trump that they intended to kill Khashoggi and that Trump approved.

    • Like 5
  16. 2 hours ago, Kyle said:

    Yes because:

    1. The person being accosted has no definitive way to accurately ascertain whether her rights were violated (maybe you have a magic way to judge another person's heart or intent -> if so, share as that sounds awesome)

     2. Even if one could fiat #1 above, not the time or place to engage (being disrespectful or rude to a cop or anyone because your judging her or making assumptions is usually not helpful in any relationship)

    (FWIW - I don't hate your or anyone but ousux; I do love the irony you bring to your comments)

    ...do you think an officer has to be thinking "I'm going to violate this black asshole's civil rights today!" for a civil rights violation to occur?

  17. 1 minute ago, Brisketexan said:

    Wait.  My post was in response to this:

    So let me get this straight.  Someone says "I think states will secede."

    In response, I say "if that happens, there will be bloodshed."

    Yeah, I mean where did I get such a wacky idea that THAT would be how things would go down in the event of secession?

    Oh. Yeah.  From books.  Lots of them.  All of them.  You fucking morons.


    Didn’t you know books are for libtards?

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