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Everything posted by CHEF RIBS W/ THE HAMM YALL

  1. He’s in the doghouse. Behavior issues with the coaches. Issues in the locker room with a lot of the other players this week. Low snap count for disciplinary issues.
  2. I wonder if Ole Miss will make a commemorative cup
  3. It’s like Geese or Sheep etc. doesn’t have an “s” for multiple Jayhawk
  4. 1. Didn’t one of their assistants get caught on video saying the folks in suites would be giving them cash? 2. LOL at the blue bloods comment and them realizing or not realizing that they’re not one of them. 3. Ah yea, best to get to Bama early. So if Texas were to win, it’s because they got them at a favorable time of the year (meanwhile the game is… at Bama)
  5. Ok cool, which restaurant And how were the diners you were hosting? Hopefully tipped well.
  6. I’m not blacklab. I just created an account in honor of the time Chef Hamm tried to make ribs
  7. He look like a giraffe moving in the pocket but seems like he has a good arm
  8. "I haven't heard it mention, so I thought I would address the elephant in the room. He seems like a smart kid, so I'm wandering how his transition to the states has been as far as communication goes? Are we doing anything different like special playbooks or relying on signals more when he's in the game?… The only time I've been out of the country is when I was shipped to Nam and I was as confused as a yankee learning to square dance." Mandatory
  9. I knew this was coming but im not prepared to see Less o Ojomo
  10. So you’re saying this staff has to hold onto a late lead? Sign me up.
  11. Why do we all know Brooks up the middle > Robinson up the middle but our offensive guru does not?
  12. We must be a) the worst third and fourth down defense in the nation and b) the team that’s given up the most 10+ play drives in the nation. It looked like a problem early in the year and I hoped it was a fluke. It’s just who this team is. They need to learn how to get off the field this off-season.
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