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Focht Up

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Everything posted by Focht Up

  1. It doesn't get much worse than blowing the 35-3 lead against Buffalo in the playoffs.
  2. Taco Bueno somehow figured out how to remove all of the flavor from cheese. Way to go, taco bueno.
  3. The fact that aggy continues to call us "mediocre", after going 5-7 is just remarkable.
  4. Aggy loves shit like this. They can say they are "going toe to toe, and slugging it out with the big boys".
  5. "Ive got an idea for those slapbick scumbags. How about they have to lock in the player ratings 30 days before signing day and they can't move from that." How in the world does aggy think they have a say in how the recruiting services operate?
  6. ^ This guy is an artist. Well done sir.
  7. Focht Up


    Seems like a bit of a stereotype.
  8. "The stans standard". If I ever go insane, it'll be because of hearing that so many fucking times.
  9. Aggy should be awarded with another recruiting natty
  10. What the fuck was that guy on the ground doing (at the beginning of the video)?
  11. Ok, I think I have it figured out. The next aggy OC will be.....former aggy position coach Les Koenning - an experienced coach who understands the aggy way.
  12. Oh well, he better not fucking walk on the grass
  13. "Fisher is beating the bushes in terms of his oc search". Come on loochie, seriously?
  14. Aggy will find a way to spin it. Like, that just means he's rested.
  15. "It's been said by 3-4 posters here..." Therefore it must be true!
  16. It looks like these are assembled in the US. I might give it a try; I'm done with buying any electronics that are made in china
  17. Sorry if this has been asked, but what is the thinking of our chances of keeping verlander?
  18. Seems like there should be a hinge on there
  19. Yes, it's worth it. I see no way in hell that Dumbo leaves any money on the table. But if he does, he's more stupid than I thought.
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