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Everything posted by TheFlagship

  1. Oh wow leadoff bomb by the Gators and it’s 2-2
  2. Clutch double by Auburn scores a man from 1st. 2-1 Tigers bottom 8th
  3. 10 walks and only 3 runs. That’s special.
  4. This dudes got good stuff. We’ll see if he can keep it up for 3 more innings though
  5. Agreed. Hope some of these draft picks start panning out though.
  6. Who cares? The HOF is a joke. TO should’ve been in on the first ballot but wasn’t cause old dudes didn’t like him having fun during his career.
  7. JD signed to a multi year extension
  8. The M’s remind me a bit of the 2016 Rangers with the solid bullpen and clutch hitting. Would love for y’all to win division.
  9. All the pitchers are slipping. Makes sense given the bust rate
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