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Everything posted by TheFlagship

  1. We’ll always have the Bartolo game
  2. Profar now injured. Have to just laugh at this point
  3. Rua sent packing to RR. This dude Renato Nunez who we just claimed this weekend joins the 25
  4. And you lost a series to a shitty team starting a 45 year old and 3 rookies. Enjoy the wild card game cause the Angels are winning the division
  5. Lmao those shitbags thought a pop up to center was a homer
  6. This still pisses me off. A 45 year old fat man took a god damn perfect game into the 8th inning against the defending champs, and those dumb fuckers couldn’t raise their fat asses off the seats to give the man his due. Literally every other fanbase who’s serious about baseball would show some freakin respect.
  7. Wow good one. Literally has nothing to do with tonight. And yes it still hurts so fuck you
  8. The fact that Astros fans didn’t give Bartolo an ovation, not even a small one, tells you all you need to know about that fanbase. Most uneducated and bandwagon fans in baseball
  9. The only thing I’ve seen like this on the Rangers is playoff Cliff Lee
  10. It’s only 4 innings, but this is masterful from Tolo
  11. Fat man is carving these dudes up
  12. Is it too early for a Bartolo perfect game watch?
  13. Thor has 8 straight Ks and is 2 away from tying the record
  14. Yes, his problem in the minors was that he didn’t develop any power. Maybe he can find something working with MLB coaches
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