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Posts posted by iodeac

  1. I have given up on it since the season shutdown first 100 days....but if we want points record we need to 6 of last 8
    I feel like you just win the league and be done with it, we're lucky it restarted again in the first place. Way too much out of whack with players being rusty, no fans etc to worry about chasing the points record. I'm fine with a draw today given the circumstances

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  2. NC opened way too early and our numbers look awful now. We have a Democrat governor and so far I think we're the only state where the possibility of going back into a lockdown has been mentioned. I don't think you can put that genie back in the bottle though, so it'll be interesting to see what the next few months bring. Wife and I rarely go out but when we do, we wear masks, but some of the pictures around Charlotte this past weekend are just crazy.

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  3. Loved the show. Score was fantastic. Loved the theme song for seasons 2 and 3. Been thinking about ordering HBO Extra or whatever it's called just to watch it again.

    There were also some really good landmark episodes even though they were all good. I remember the preacher's episode in Season 1 was so good.

    There are only three seasons so you don't have to invest a ton of time. You'll be glad you did.

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  4. I can't see any states going back to a stay at home order unless things get really bad. After so much pressure to open back up, I don't think a lot of people will willingly to back to quarantining for a few more months or however long it's supposed to be. It's not like we made any progress with the first round, it's just that people got bored and decided Covid was over.

    Some of the photos taken today are pretty disturbing, such as around the Lake of the Ozarks or Ocean City MD. People in my home state of NC were apparently eager to get back to the racetrack.92ead718eacc389cfe54cefe7afd71bb.jpg

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  5. Restaurants, hair salons etc opening in NC starting tomorrow at 5. Bars and gyms still closed, I know lots of bars were hoping to be included in Phase 2 prior to the announcement yesterday. I think restaurants are supposed to adhere to 50% capacity but I can see that getting away pretty quickly since it probably won't be enforced. I think the governor also gave up on limiting indoor church services so we'll see how that turns out.

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  6. Finally got my Kar98k obsidian. Hell of a grind, but Rusty Shiphouse definitely helped. I've seen a lot of criticism of obsidian but I think it looks really nice on the Kar98k.

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  7. It just doesn't seem like Natalie did enough on the island to improve her relationships with the other ousted players. Maybe that's what got her voted off first as well. Glad Tony won, his personality is very disarming because he doesn't take himself too seriously

    Still questioning whether Ben did the right thing, he knew he couldn't win but then again why come so far just to take yourself out like that?

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  8. I got about halfway through with Odyssey but haven't touched it in a while. It just never seemed like I was going to finish it and that was without the DLC.

    I'm generally a huge AC fan, AC2 is probably one of my favorite games of all time. I was originally out on Valhalla but I just saw on Twitter that Jesper Kyd is back to do the music, so I might have to jump back in.

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  9. Is Warzone fun? I've never played any of the BR games at all. For COD I stick mostly to TDM or KC since I usually play solo and randoms don't play the objective

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  10. How has Texas done with its re-opening? Are barber shops and movie theaters still closed or is everything open now? NC just lifted some restrictions yesterday. Bars and restaurants still takeout only, theaters and hair places still closed, but all stores can reopen at 50% capacity. SC is re-opening bars and restaurants on Monday, supposedly at only 50% capacity, people spaced 6 feet apart, etc but I think once it actually happens those rules will go out the window in a lot of places

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  11. 2 hours ago, SimonBolivar said:

    I'm really enjoying this podcast. It's right at my level of Spanish where it's challenging me but is understandable. Hopefully one day they'll do trips again.

    I'm glad you like it.  They really do a great job of putting it together and their membership program is very thorough, they do live classes and all kinds of stuff.

    As far as the trips, before we left they were kinda floating the idea of doing another one, maybe in Bucaramanga this time for more immersion.  Our group for whatever reason was really great and we got along really well, to the point that we have a Whatsapp group and Skype calls at least every other week.  I think it was hard for us to adjust to being back at first because we all got along so well.   I don't know if everyone on the trip to Medellin is 100% ready to go back next year, but I know a lot of us are and I would sign up for it yesterday if they put it together.

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    At this point kind of like the whispering at tribal they can't put the toothpaste back in the tube. 
    I watched a couple of episodes from the first few seasons last year and was amazed at how different it was than what I remembered. Way more "surviving without food" and camp life then I ever remembered, just a lot of laying around chatting about stupid stuff they would never show in current seasons. 
    Now it's comp, search for idol, immunity challenge, a little game talk, tribal. 
    I watched Survivor pretty religiously until 2010 or so, but I remember each episode had its own reward challenge and immunity challenge. I'm glad it's condensed for the most part to just one challenge, but I feel like rewards were a much bigger part of earlier seasons, especially the ones where the winners went to visit some exotic location.

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  13. We don't deserve dogs, we might think we do but we don't even come close. So sorry for your loss, we have a little guy who showed up on our doorstep in 2013 and changed our lives forever. I'm in denial that anything will ever happen to him. Dogs are the best.

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  14. Agreed the first time and then a couple of more times at critical parts to a certain season it was interesting now it basically looks like Jeff has no control over the tribal and it's annoying as shit. 
    However that is also on the producers as they decide what 5 minutes of the 2-3 hour tribal they decide to show. 
    Do you think tribal really lasts that long?

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  15. I remember legit freaking out during the scene in the desert when Jack's cars show up. Walt is in the truck and if you pay attention to the music, it drops as soon as the first truck appears. It feels like a literal gut punch because you know things are going to get really bad. Probably my favorite scene in a brilliant show.

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