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Posts posted by horncyclist

  1. Just got home. Guy's the real deal, just exudes passion throughout his stump and actually persuades you. Place was packed, definitely a younger crowd of a lot of ex Texans gone up to DC to save the world or whatever. Wife said it gave he goosebumps and made her cry. I'll allow it.

    Event was really well organized and the thing that impressed me most is he stayed after to take a photo with every person there. Which was cool but also brilliant as those will become facebook profile pics for Aunt Thelma to ask about and influence friends.

    • Like 1
  2. Going to a Beers with Beto event here in DC tonight. Wondering what he's doing up her but figure he has some chicken rep business and is squeezing in a fundraiser. Also there are enough ex pats and Texas residents up here that it might make sense as a campaign stop. Look forward to seeing him in person.

  3. If all 3 allegations of perjury are true and Democrats have the presidency, both houses and all the proof, they can send Kavanaugh to jail in 2021. Or, offer him a slap on the wrist if he resigns.
    Agree. He shouldnt be confirmed though. I'm not sure this is a done deal. But the political consequences for failing to deliver the Supreme Court (thanks Vladimir) are probably greater than putting a perjurer up there for the GOP so they'll ram it through no matter what. Every member of the republican party is a traitor to the US and it's constitution, and I'm going to remember that every time I vote for the rest of my life.
    • Like 2

  4. That tweet is so confusing on so many levels.
    It’s like he’s trying to create a new (false) defense narrative but it’s not coming together.
    From @gregolear
    In the GoodFellas reboot that is the Trump presidency, we've reached the part where Henry's making meatballs, doing deals w/ his connection in Pittsburgh & avoiding helicopters. At this rate, by Halloween, Melania will be flushing a brick of coke down the White House toilet.

    This is dead on.
  5. This is some weird wild stuff.  It sure feels like some shit is about to break loose.  I need a drink.
    Woodward book made them think the ship is going down. This is a desperate attempt to come out on the right side of history (ha). I vote Pence.
  6. This is the beginning of the end right?

    And yeah, my takeaway from that is that they should have invoked the 25th but didn't because the fallout would undermine their agenda. That's an admission to treason in my mind. Every action of this presidency should be viewed as illegimate going forward.

    • Like 2
  7. Defending flag burning and defending the right to burn the flag are two different things. Same with kneeling. Its downright un-American to make them stand if they dont want to whether you agree with kneeling or not. 
    Agree with you but Beto wasn't even defending the right to burn a flag. He was defending his defense of kneeling. If there s any inference there it's "hey these kneelers have an important cause and it's not about the flag" meaning he's against flag burning.

    It's desperate. Sometimes desperate shit works. I think this will probably hurt him.
  8. They were more recent statements from last Friday. He was asked if he supported kneeling during the anthem, if he would support flag burning. Beto gave a defense of his support for kneeling, a longer version of the one that went viral. Cruz camps response is basically he should have answered the question so it's okay for them to assume he was defending flag burning.

    So Cruz's strategy was to take words out of context from a video that went viral just last week and had over 40 million views in a few days?  Bold strategy Cotton.
  9. In light of Garland, its a farce that they are pushing Kavanaugh through 2 months prior to the election.  Obviously the GOP can't take the chance of losing the SCOTUS seat if the Dems somehow pulled off taking over the Senate.
    IF the Dems win the Senate (still a longshot,) I believe Trump will not get 1 more judicial nominee vote for the remainder of his term.   The Dems will pay back McConnell for Garland.  I don't think Trump will get any nominee for any position through the senate.  
    If dems have Senate and Whitehouse after 2020, the press needs to nominate Garland as a 10th justice.

  10. The billboard is a fine idea, but can you imagine if some anonymous PAC started robo calling rural texans with greatest hits audio clips of Trump putting down Lying Ted Cruz and various quotes from the debates. I honestly think a lot of Trumpin heads would explode in confusion.
    More effective would be robocalling with Ted Cruz's " Trump is a pathological liar" rant.
    • Like 1
  11. I have no experience smoking a brisket so just did the best I could with internet (and AF book) information.

    I threw the brisket on the egg at 9:30pm Fri, pulled it at 2:30pm Sat. 17 hour cook for an 11 lb packer. The temp on the egg dome hovered between 240 -275 most of the time. Egg temp dropped to 225 while I was napping from 5:30 - 7am. Internal brisket temp at that point (7am) was 165, so I decided to wrap it.

    From 7 to 11:30 am Saturday the brisket temp rose from 165 to 180. I assume that was the stall? I was probing every hour after 7am to get an idea what was going on. Did not want to burn it, and I do not have remote thermometer of any kind. Had to open lid to check often. During this time I realized that I couldn't crank the heat over 250 to push the brisket temp over 200. I slowly realized that the lump charcoal was likely spent and I could either pull at 180 or break everything apart and add fuel.

    Decided on second option, though I was really tempted to just call it a day at that point. Got egg temp up to 275 and continued monitoring. Slowly the brisket temp climbed enough and I pulled the brisket with a temp of 201. It was very pliable and appears to be very tender. We'll see. I left it in butcher paper on counter to rest for an hour before wrapping in a towel and tossing in a cooler for anither two hours. I'll try to get pics going when I get a chance.

    Really a wild ride. Will definitely add more lump charcoal next time, though I felt like I filled the fire box to the top edge. Should I have filled into the fire ring as well? Is it common to add lump to a brisket cook.

    Any and all advice or mockery appreciated. I'm already planning on what I'll do differently next time. Learned a TON.

    17 hours is a loooong cook for an 11 lber at around 250. I don't think your thermometer was reading right.
  12. I got this email today:

    What happens in Texas this November will have a tremendous impact on the rest of the country.

    The Senate majority hangs in the balance. Texas is now a battleground state. But in order to win, we need all hands on deck to contact voters between October 8 and Election Day on November 6.

    That’s why we’re inviting you to join our program, “Come Back to Texas,” during the final sprint of our campaign. Thousands of volunteers are joining together in the largest ‘get out the vote’ campaign in Texas history.

    If that’s something you might want to be part of, please fill out the form here.


    I live in DC now but had expressed interest in volunteering. Click on the link and the expectation is to sign up for at least a week full time. I'm not sure if I can do that but others will. I'm impressed by the action email too and that they recognized I'm from Texas. Not sure I selected that. Wife and I plan to at least organize a regular phone bank of Texan ex pats up here.

    He's going to win this thing.
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