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Posts posted by horncyclist

  1. In case you forgot why Texas likes Beto. 
    Here's to hoping we end up with a lot more in Congress like both Beto and Will Hurd. How many bipartisan pairs willing to drive halfway across the country together do you think you could find in the current Congress?
  2. Will be interesting to see if Beto sticks to the 100% positive message. The conventional wisdom is that negative adds are effective and necessary, but If could see staying positive being particularly effective against Cruz and in the current climate. I know he's not taking PAC money but is he going to discourage PACs from running attack ads?

  3. I just got an email that Beto made a 1.27 million TV ad buy spread across the state. Ads will start showing up this week.
    With all the national attention he's getting and the raise tightening, his final fundraising is going to be through the roof. Gonna be a lot more $1 million ad buys.
  4. Amarosa was able to record the Chief of Staff in the Situation Room?
    There is no limit to this administration’s incompetence.
    But Hillary sent marginally classified info on a personal server a few times. Same thing. Why isn't she in jail?
    • Like 2
  5. I agree that there’s a lot of evidence that Pence thinks about sucking dicks in bathrooms for money, I’m just not yet completely convinced that he does yet. He might suck dicks in bathrooms for money. Not saying he doesn’t. But I’ll guess we shall see. 
    I haven't seen any non-evidence yet.
    • Like 2
    • Haha 1
  6. trump has completed a full 360 degree turnaround of our economy!
    Going to be awesome when growth dips below 2% next quarter. Back to blaming Obama I guess. This islike when he had the house GOP caucus to the Whitehouse after they passed the Obamacare repeal and that had no chance of making it through the Senate.
  7. Trump authorized a meeting with Russians to receive emails stolen from the Democrats for the purpose of working with the Russians on their common goal of helping Trump win the election.
    One word to describe that is conspiracy. Another is treason if one considers cyber attacks an act of war.
    Yeah it brings Trump into the conspiracy. Now there has to be something illegal to conspire about which is still TBD but it's looking more and more like that meeting was tied to the Russian interference efforts. I'm confident they're all going to prison.
  8. It probably was Trump that put it out.Just like Jr tweeting the goldstone emails. Put it all out there and say "yeah, I knew, so what?... Hillary's emails.". It's his desperate MO and I'm not sure how much longer it can last.

    I just read the June-July period in the Moyer time line, with the Trump meeting, DNC hack, emails released. It's quite damning and just the public stuff puts together a strong circumstantial case for collusion/conspiracy.

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  9. Someone with some Beto campaign connections needs to relay these responses to the Friday night proposal. They'll probably come to it on their own but it's a perfect way to show how out of touch Cruz is.

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