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Posts posted by horncyclist

  1. It's okay. He'll just ratchet up the rhetoric, meet with Rouhani, then declare victory. Art of the deal. Very stable genius.

    The republican Congress could impeach and remove if they didn't care about party over country/their jobs. They won't and are complicit in this trainwreck. This will not end well.

    • Like 1
    “There’s two people I think Putin pays: Rohrabacher and Trump,” McCarthy said in the recording of a June 15 exchange obtained and published by the Washington Post. At that point, House Speaker Paul D. Ryan (R-Wis.) cut off the conversation and swore those present to secrecy.

  3. Smart move. There's no upside for Cruz debating Beto.
    At a certain point looking like an unaccountable coward outweighs the avoided risk of not debating. I think this race is close enough that is the case, though Cruz will probably try to limit it to a single debate.
  4.  My girlfriends dad is Mexican and her mom is Asian. They don’t even know who Beto is.   They are too busy listening to whatever Fox News is telling them.   Cruz says words like “Christian values” and that’s enough for them.  
    Pics of biracial girlfriend?
    • Like 3
  5. Expand on that.  The woman is still alive postpartum?  I've left out the child/mother issue.  That's a different decision.  I'm not saying it's trivial, just a separate discussion.
    I'm just saying you're focused on one side of the issue. If the fetus is viable at an earlier stage then the loss of a pregnancy at x weeks is more significant. You argued that with a focus on viability, at a certain point, no abortion should be permitted, so that shows viability cannot be the correct measure because morality cannot shift with science. But that ignores the woman. The truth is the morality question is a matter of balancing the rights of the mother with that of whatever value is placed on the fetus. Science can advance one side of the equation but
    , regardless of the viability point, the mother maintains rights over her body. How you reconcile the two is the morality/ethical judgement and doesn't change with science.
  6. So if "viability" is a function of science and we're making these decisions that have ethical implications based on the current state of science.... where does that leave us?  I think we can agree that at point X in time science will allow conception come to a child.  Are we "wrong" at this point in time to allow that conception to be terminated?  Because we are limited by today's science?  Is it purely a pragmatic decision?
    That pragmatism is focused on the fetus. What about the woman?
  7. No one said the loan was used to buy the Trump property. Manafort was Trump's campaign manager, for an election you don't get more significant of a link than that without blood ties. 
    Manafort used John Hannah LLC to purchase the Trump Tower condo in 2006. He bought that condo all cash after signing some big pro-Russia Ukraine business. 
    Before the election, Manafort had Deripaska pay $10 million dollars into the same LLC.
    The news is 
    1) Manafort owed $10 million dollars to a crooked oligarch very close to Putin WHILE he was serving as Trump's campaign manager for no salary. It was already really suspicious that Manafort took no salary, since he owed Deripaska as shit load of money from bad deals before. Now it comes out that Putin was indirectly paying Trump's campaign manager. 
    2) Mueller knows the same LLC was used for both of these events, separated by 9 years. That likely means Mueller also knows about some other shady shit this LLC was used for. 
    All true. That tweet and the responses were making the inference that the loan went to the apartment and was money laundering by Trump. Just pointing that out.
    I’ve voted Dem in local and judicial elections my entire life. Beyond that, I used to vote Republican then went libertarian until I realized it’s a utopian ideal. I now vote Dem across the board for the social issues and hope one day to see a party that is both economically pragmatic (focused on limited and lean but properly focused government) and attuned to the plight of the poor, downtrodden and forsaken. That may also be a utopian ideal but it’s where I am right now. So I won’t sit out, I’ll fight with time, money and my voice for those democrats that stand for equality and against this Republican insanity.
    I'm with you. I come from more idealistic liberal background... dropped everything to work for Obama campaign in college. Hope and Change and all. Bit disillusioned like so many today but still hopeful. Since becoming a tax
    payer with a young family, I wouldn't call myself conservative but definitely expect more of the government at all levels and want to hold them accountable. want to see the Money out of politics more than anything.

    Hopefully after all this shit we end up with at least one party that's worth a damn.
    I voted in the R primary and got the invite to the convention that comes with the vote and thought about going for 15 mins. Would have been shocking to me and frankly probably to them. Wait a normal looking lady who has made a productive life for herself and her kids who could be one of us but for ... holy shit... whaaat? No wai. In the name of Jesus gtfo!! On second thought it would have made for great twitter outrage.
    But more seriously, it’s shit like this that requires LGBTQ advocacy. People say but it’s just a cake and it’s artistic expression. That’s not what these assholes want. They believe we will burn in hell and they want to bring that fire to us in this lifetime. It’s pretty much an existential threat to those of us who are in their cross hairs.
    Today they are vocally against LGBTQ folk, but it’s silently (not always so silent) people of color and absolutely most certainly immigrants. The positions against the poors and disabled are disgusting too.
    Never heard your political views but see your R primary statement. Will you vote for Dems in general? Sit it out?

    Sorry that you have to deal with this shit.
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  10. It was made to be a 3 minute viral web video and appears to be successful. Now she can take all those small donations that'll come in and buy 30 second thought spots.

    Texas 31 is R+10 but is the type of suburban district that could flip in a blue wave. I don't know much about John Carter.

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